
The schema endpoint should return data describing the data connector's scalar and object types, along with any collections, functions and procedures which are exposed.

async fn get_schema() -> Json<models::SchemaResponse> {
    // ...
    Json(models::SchemaResponse {

Scalar Types

We define two scalar types: String and Int.

String supports a custom like comparison operator, and Int supports custom aggregation operators min and max.

    let scalar_types = BTreeMap::from_iter([
            models::ScalarType {
                representation: Some(models::TypeRepresentation::String),
                aggregate_functions: BTreeMap::new(),
                comparison_operators: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                    ("eq".into(), models::ComparisonOperatorDefinition::Equal),
                    ("in".into(), models::ComparisonOperatorDefinition::In),
                        models::ComparisonOperatorDefinition::Custom {
                            argument_type: models::Type::Named {
                                name: "String".into(),
            models::ScalarType {
                representation: Some(models::TypeRepresentation::Int32),
                aggregate_functions: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                        models::AggregateFunctionDefinition {
                            result_type: models::Type::Nullable {
                                underlying_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                                    name: "Int".into(),
                        models::AggregateFunctionDefinition {
                            result_type: models::Type::Nullable {
                                underlying_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                                    name: "Int".into(),
                comparison_operators: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                    ("eq".into(), models::ComparisonOperatorDefinition::Equal),
                    ("in".into(), models::ComparisonOperatorDefinition::In),

Object Types

For each collection, we define an object type for its rows. In addition, we define object types for any nested types which we use:

    let object_types = BTreeMap::from_iter([
        ("article".into(), article_type),
        ("author".into(), author_type),
        ("institution".into(), institution_type),
        ("location".into(), location_type),
        ("staff_member".into(), staff_member_type),


    let author_type = models::ObjectType {
        description: Some("An author".into()),
        fields: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The author's primary key".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() },
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The author's first name".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named {
                        name: "String".into(),
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The author's last name".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named {
                        name: "String".into(),


    let article_type = models::ObjectType {
        description: Some("An article".into()),
        fields: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The article's primary key".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() },
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The article's title".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named {
                        name: "String".into(),
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The article's author ID".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() },


    let institution_type = models::ObjectType {
        description: Some("An institution".into()),
        fields: BTreeMap::from_iter([
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The institution's primary key".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() },
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The institution's name".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named {
                        name: "String".into(),
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The institution's location".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Named {
                        name: "location".into(),
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The institution's staff".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Array {
                        element_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                            name: "staff_member".into(),
                models::ObjectField {
                    description: Some("The institution's departments".into()),
                    r#type: models::Type::Array {
                        element_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                            name: "String".into(),


We define each collection's schema using the type information defined above:

    let collections = vec![


    let authors_collection = models::CollectionInfo {
        name: "authors".into(),
        description: Some("A collection of authors".into()),
        collection_type: "author".into(),
        arguments: BTreeMap::new(),
        foreign_keys: BTreeMap::new(),
        uniqueness_constraints: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::UniquenessConstraint {
                unique_columns: vec!["id".into()],


    let articles_collection = models::CollectionInfo {
        name: "articles".into(),
        description: Some("A collection of articles".into()),
        collection_type: "article".into(),
        arguments: BTreeMap::new(),
        foreign_keys: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::ForeignKeyConstraint {
                foreign_collection: "authors".into(),
                column_mapping: BTreeMap::from_iter([("author_id".into(), "id".into())]),
        uniqueness_constraints: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::UniquenessConstraint {
                unique_columns: vec!["id".into()],


We define one additional collection, articles_by_author, which is provided as an example of a collection with an argument:

    let articles_by_author_collection = models::CollectionInfo {
        name: "articles_by_author".into(),
        description: Some("Articles parameterized by author".into()),
        collection_type: "article".into(),
        arguments: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::ArgumentInfo {
                argument_type: models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() },
                description: None,
        foreign_keys: BTreeMap::new(),
        uniqueness_constraints: BTreeMap::new(),


    let institutions_collection = models::CollectionInfo {
        name: "institutions".into(),
        description: Some("A collection of institutions".into()),
        collection_type: "institution".into(),
        arguments: BTreeMap::new(),
        foreign_keys: BTreeMap::new(),
        uniqueness_constraints: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::UniquenessConstraint {
                unique_columns: vec!["id".into()],


The schema defines a list of functions, each including its input and output types.

Get Latest Article

As an example, we define a latest_article_id function, which returns a single integer representing the maximum article ID.

    let latest_article_id_function = models::FunctionInfo {
        name: "latest_article_id".into(),
        description: Some("Get the ID of the most recent article".into()),
        result_type: models::Type::Nullable {
            underlying_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named { name: "Int".into() }),
        arguments: BTreeMap::new(),

A second example returns the full corresponding article, to illustrate functions returning structured types:

    let latest_article_function = models::FunctionInfo {
        name: "latest_article".into(),
        description: Some("Get the most recent article".into()),
        result_type: models::Type::Nullable {
            underlying_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                name: "article".into(),
        arguments: BTreeMap::new(),


The schema defines a list of procedures, each including its input and output types.

Upsert Article

As an example, we define an upsert procedure for the article collection defined above. The procedure will accept an input argument of type article, and returns a nulcollection article, representing the state of the article before the update, if it were already present.

    let upsert_article = models::ProcedureInfo {
        name: "upsert_article".into(),
        description: Some("Insert or update an article".into()),
        arguments: BTreeMap::from_iter([(
            models::ArgumentInfo {
                description: Some("The article to insert or update".into()),
                argument_type: models::Type::Named {
                    name: "article".into(),
        result_type: models::Type::Nullable {
            underlying_type: Box::new(models::Type::Named {
                name: "article".into(),