Scalar Types

The schema should describe any irreducible scalar types. Scalar types can be used as the types of columns, or in general as the types of object fields.

Scalar types define several types of operations, which extend the capabilities of the query and mutation APIs: comparison operators and aggregation functions.

Type Representations

A scalar type definition can include an optional type representation. The representation, if provided, indicates to potential callers what values can be expected in responses, and what values are considered acceptable in requests.

If the representation is omitted, it defaults to json.

Supported Representations

typeDescriptionJSON representation
int8An 8-bit signed integer with a minimum value of -2^7 and a maximum value of 2^7 - 1Number
int16A 16-bit signed integer with a minimum value of -2^15 and a maximum value of 2^15 - 1Number
int32A 32-bit signed integer with a minimum value of -2^31 and a maximum value of 2^31 - 1Number
int64A 64-bit signed integer with a minimum value of -2^63 and a maximum value of 2^63 - 1String
float32An IEEE-754 single-precision floating-point numberNumber
float64An IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point numberNumber
bigdecimalArbitrary-precision decimal stringString
uuidUUID string (8-4-4-4-12 format)String
dateISO 8601 dateString
timestampISO 8601 timestampString
timestamptzISO 8601 timestamp-with-timezoneString
geographyGeoJSON, per RFC 7946JSON
geometryGeoJSON Geometry object, per RFC 7946JSON
bytesBase64-encoded bytesString
jsonArbitrary JSONJSON

Enum Representations

A scalar type with a representation of type enum accepts one of a set of string values, specified by the one_of argument.

For example, this representation indicates that the only three valid values are the strings "foo", "bar" and "baz":

  "type": "enum",
  "one_of": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

Deprecated Representations

The following representations are deprecated as of version 0.1.2:

typeDescriptionJSON representation
numberAny JSON numberNumber
integerAny JSON number with no decimal partNumber

Connectors should use the sized integer and floating-point types instead.

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators extend the query AST with the ability to express new binary comparison expressions in the predicate.

For example, a data connector might augment a String scalar type with a LIKE operator which tests for a fuzzy match based on a regular expression.

A comparison operator is either a standard operator, or a custom operator.

To define a comparison operator, add a ComparisonOperatorDefinition to the comparison_operators field of the schema response.

For example:

  "scalar_types": {
    "String": {
      "aggregate_functions": {},
      "comparison_operators": {
        "like": {
          "type": "custom",
          "argument_type": {
            "type": "named",
            "name": "String"

Standard Comparison Operators


An operator defined using type equal tests if a column value is equal to a scalar value, another column value, or a variable.

Note: syntactic equality

Specifically, a predicate expression which uses an operator of type equal should implement syntactic equality:

  • An expression which tests for equality of a column with a scalar value or variable should return that scalar value exactly (equal as JSON values) for all rows in each corresponding row set, whenever the same column is selected.
  • An expression which tests for equality of a column with another column should return the same values in both columns (equal as JSON values) for all rows in each corresponding row set, whenever both of those those columns are selected.

This type of equality is quite strict, and it might not be possible to implement such an operator for all scalar types. For example, a case-insensitive string type's natural case-insensitive equality operator would not meet the criteria above. In such cases, the scalar type should not provide an equal operator.


An operator defined using type in tests if a column value is a member of an array of values. The array is specified either as a scalar, a variable, or as the value of another column.

It should accept an array type as its argument, whose element type is the scalar type for which it is defined. It should be equivalent to a disjunction of individual equality tests on the elements of the provided array, where the equality test is an equivalence relation in the same sense as above.

Custom Comparison Operators

Data connectors can also define custom comparison operators using type custom. A custom operator is defined by its argument type, and its semantics is undefined.

Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions extend the query AST with the ability to express new aggregates within the aggregates portion of a query. They also allow sorting the query results via the order_by query field.

Note: data connectors are required to implement the count and count-distinct aggregations for columns of all scalar types, and those operator is distinguished in the query AST. There is no need to define these aggregates as aggregation functions.

For example, a data connector might augment a Float scalar type with a SUM function which aggregates a sum of a collection of floating-point numbers.

An aggregation function is defined by its result type - that is, the type of the aggregated data.

To define an aggregation function, add a AggregateFunctionDefinition to the aggregate_functions field of the schema response.

For example:

  "scalar_types": {
    "Float": {
      "aggregate_functions": {
        "sum": {
          "result_type": {
            "type": "named",
            "name": "Float"
      "comparison_operators": {}

See also