
In this section, we will break down the implementation of the /mutation endpoint.

The mutation endpoint is handled by the post_mutation function:

async fn post_mutation(
    State(state): State<Arc<Mutex<AppState>>>,
    Json(request): Json<models::MutationRequest>,
) -> Result<Json<models::MutationResponse>> {

This function receives the application state, and the MutationRequest structure.

The function iterates over the collection of requested MutationOperation structures, and handles each one in turn, adding each result to the operation_results field in the response:

    if request.operations.len() > 1 {
            Json(models::ErrorResponse {
                message: "transactional mutations are not supported".into(),
                details: serde_json::Value::Null,
    } else {
        let mut state = state.lock().await;

        let mut operation_results = vec![];

        for operation in &request.operations {
            let operation_result = execute_mutation_operation(
                &mut state,

        Ok(Json(models::MutationResponse { operation_results }))

The execute_mutation_operation function is responsible for executing an individual operation. In the next section, we'll break that function down.