


Rust Libraries

  • Upgrade to Rust v1.77
  • The ndc-client library was removed. Clients are advised to use the new ndc-models library for type definitions, and to use a HTTP client library of their choice directly.




  • Aggregate tests are gated behind the aggregates capability
  • Automatic tests are now generated for exists predicates
  • Automatic tests are now generated for single_column aggregates

Rust Libraries

  • rustls is supported instead of native-tls using a Cargo feature.
  • Upgrade opentelemetry to v0.22.0
  • colored dependency removed in favor of colorful



Tables are now known as collections.

Collection Names

Collection names are now single strings instead of arrays of strings. The array structure was previously used to represent qualification by a schema or database name, but the structure was not used anywhere on the client side, and had no semantic meaning. GDC now abstracts over these concepts, and expects relations to be named by strings.

No Configuration

The configuration header convention was removed. Connectors are now expected to manage their own configuration, and a connector URL fully represents that connector with its pre-specified configuration.

No Database Concepts in GDC

GDC no longer sends any metadata to indicate database-specific concepts. For example, a Collection used to indicate whether it was a Collection or view. Such metadata would be passed back in the query IR, to help the connector disambiguate which database object to query. When we proposed adding functions, we would have had to add a new type to disambiguate nullary functions from collections, etc. Instead, we now expect connectors to understand their own schema, and understand the query IR that they receive, as long as it is compatible with their GDC schema.

Column types are no longer sent in the query and mutation requests.

Tables, views and functions are unified under a single concept called "collections". GDC does not care how queries and mutations on relations are implemented.

Collection Arguments

Collection arguments were added to relations in order to support use cases like table-valued functions and certain REST endpoints. Relationships can determine collection arguments.


Collections which return a single column and a single row are also called "functions", and identified separately in the schema response.

Field Arguments

Field arguments were added to fields in order to support use cases like computed fields.


The equality operator is now expected on every scalar type implicitly.

Note: it was already implicitly supported by any connector advertising the variables capability, which imposes column equality constraints in each row set fetched in a forall query.

The equality operator will have semantics assigned for the purposes of testing.

Scalars can define additional operators, whose semantics are opaque.


Proceduress were added to the list of available mutation operation types


  • Scalar types were moved to the schema endpoint
  • The object_types field was added to the schema endpoint

Raw Queries

The raw query endpoint was removed, since it cannot be given any useful semantics across all implementations.


The datasets endpoints were removed from the specification, because there was no way to usefully use it without prior knowledge of its implementation.