
The mutation endpoint accepts a mutation request, containing a collection of mutation operations to be performed transactionally in the context the data source, and returns a response containing a result for each operation.

The structure and requirements for specific fields listed below will be covered in subsequent chapters.


POST /mutation


See MutationRequest

Request Fields

operationsA list of mutation operations to perform
collection_relationshipsAny relationships between collections involved in the mutation request

Mutation Operations

Each operation is described by a MutationOperation structure, which can be one of several types. However, currently procedures are the only supported operation type.

Multiple Operations

If the mutation.transactional capability is enabled, then the caller may provide multiple operations in a single request. Otherwise, the caller must provide exactly one operation.

The intent is that multiple operations ought to be performed together in a single transaction. That is, they should all succeed, or all fail together. If any operation fails, then a single ErrorResponse should capture the failure, and none of the operations should effect any changes to the data source.


See MutationResponse
