Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data ActionFieldG (r :: Type)
- type ActionFieldsG r = Fields (ActionFieldG r)
- type ActionFields = ActionFieldsG Void
- data ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect r = ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect {}
- _ACFNestedObject :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) (Name, ActionFieldsG r)
- _ACFExpression :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) Text
- _ACFRemote :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) (ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect r)
- _ACFScalar :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) Name
- data AnnActionExecution (r :: Type) = AnnActionExecution {
- _aaeName :: ActionName
- _aaeOutputType :: GraphQLType
- _aaeFields :: ActionFieldsG r
- _aaePayload :: Value
- _aaeOutputFields :: ActionOutputFields
- _aaeWebhook :: EnvRecord ResolvedWebhook
- _aaeHeaders :: [HeaderConf]
- _aaeForwardClientHeaders :: Bool
- _aaeTimeOut :: Timeout
- _aaeRequestTransform :: Maybe RequestTransform
- _aaeResponseTransform :: Maybe MetadataResponseTransform
- type ActionOutputFields = HashMap Name GType
- getActionOutputFields :: AnnotatedOutputType -> ActionOutputFields
- data AnnActionMutationAsync = AnnActionMutationAsync {}
- data AsyncActionQueryFieldG (r :: Type)
- data AnnActionAsyncQuery (b :: BackendType) (r :: Type) = AnnActionAsyncQuery {
- _aaaqName :: ActionName
- _aaaqActionId :: ActionId
- _aaaqOutputType :: GraphQLType
- _aaaqFields :: AsyncActionQueryFieldsG r
- _aaaqDefinitionList :: [(Column b, ScalarType b)]
- _aaaqStringifyNum :: StringifyNumbers
- _aaaqForwardClientHeaders :: Bool
- _aaaqSource :: ActionSourceInfo b
- data ActionSourceInfo b
- aaaqStringifyNum :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) StringifyNumbers
- aaaqSource :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (ActionSourceInfo b)
- aaaqOutputType :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) GraphQLType
- aaaqName :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) ActionName
- aaaqForwardClientHeaders :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) Bool
- aaaqFields :: forall b r r. Lens (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldsG r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldsG r)
- aaaqDefinitionList :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) [(Column b, ScalarType b)]
- aaaqActionId :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) ActionId
- aaeWebhook :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (EnvRecord ResolvedWebhook)
- aaeTimeOut :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Timeout
- aaeResponseTransform :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (Maybe MetadataResponseTransform)
- aaeRequestTransform :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (Maybe RequestTransform)
- aaePayload :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Value
- aaeOutputType :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) GraphQLType
- aaeOutputFields :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) ActionOutputFields
- aaeName :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) ActionName
- aaeHeaders :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) [HeaderConf]
- aaeForwardClientHeaders :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Bool
- aaeFields :: forall r r. Lens (AnnActionExecution r) (AnnActionExecution r) (ActionFieldsG r) (ActionFieldsG r)
- _AsyncErrors :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) ()
- _AsyncCreatedAt :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) ()
- _AsyncId :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) ()
- _AsyncOutput :: forall r r. Prism (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) (ActionFieldsG r) (ActionFieldsG r)
- _AsyncTypename :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) Text
data ActionFieldG (r :: Type) Source #
Internal representation for a selection of fields on the result of an action. Type parameter r will be either r ~ (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) when the AST is emitted by the parser. r ~ Void when an execution tree is constructed so that a backend is absolved of dealing with remote relationships.
ACFScalar Name | Scalar value. G.Name is the original field name from the object type. |
ACFRemote (ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect r) | Remote relationship |
ACFExpression Text | Constant text value (used for __typename fields) |
ACFNestedObject Name (ActionFieldsG r) | Nested object. G.Name is the original field name from the object type. |
type ActionFieldsG r = Fields (ActionFieldG r) Source #
type ActionFields = ActionFieldsG Void Source #
data ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect r Source #
ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect | |
_ACFNestedObject :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) (Name, ActionFieldsG r) Source #
_ACFExpression :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) Text Source #
_ACFRemote :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) (ActionRemoteRelationshipSelect r) Source #
_ACFScalar :: forall r. Prism' (ActionFieldG r) Name Source #
data AnnActionExecution (r :: Type) Source #
AnnActionExecution | |
data AnnActionMutationAsync Source #
AnnActionMutationAsync | |
Show AnnActionMutationAsync Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.RQL.IR.Action Methods showsPrec :: Int -> AnnActionMutationAsync -> ShowS # show :: AnnActionMutationAsync -> String # showList :: [AnnActionMutationAsync] -> ShowS # | |
Eq AnnActionMutationAsync Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.RQL.IR.Action Methods (==) :: AnnActionMutationAsync -> AnnActionMutationAsync -> Bool # (/=) :: AnnActionMutationAsync -> AnnActionMutationAsync -> Bool # |
data AsyncActionQueryFieldG (r :: Type) Source #
AsyncTypename Text | |
AsyncOutput (ActionFieldsG r) | |
AsyncId | |
AsyncCreatedAt | |
AsyncErrors |
data AnnActionAsyncQuery (b :: BackendType) (r :: Type) Source #
AnnActionAsyncQuery | |
data ActionSourceInfo b Source #
ASINoSource | No relationships defined on the action output object |
ASISource SourceName (SourceConfig b) | All relationships refer to tables in one source |
aaaqStringifyNum :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) StringifyNumbers Source #
aaaqSource :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (ActionSourceInfo b) Source #
aaaqOutputType :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) GraphQLType Source #
aaaqName :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) ActionName Source #
aaaqForwardClientHeaders :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) Bool Source #
aaaqFields :: forall b r r. Lens (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldsG r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldsG r) Source #
aaaqDefinitionList :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) [(Column b, ScalarType b)] Source #
aaaqActionId :: forall b r. Lens' (AnnActionAsyncQuery b r) ActionId Source #
aaeWebhook :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (EnvRecord ResolvedWebhook) Source #
aaeTimeOut :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Timeout Source #
aaeResponseTransform :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (Maybe MetadataResponseTransform) Source #
aaeRequestTransform :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) (Maybe RequestTransform) Source #
aaePayload :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Value Source #
aaeOutputType :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) GraphQLType Source #
aaeOutputFields :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) ActionOutputFields Source #
aaeName :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) ActionName Source #
aaeHeaders :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) [HeaderConf] Source #
aaeForwardClientHeaders :: forall r. Lens' (AnnActionExecution r) Bool Source #
aaeFields :: forall r r. Lens (AnnActionExecution r) (AnnActionExecution r) (ActionFieldsG r) (ActionFieldsG r) Source #
_AsyncErrors :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) () Source #
_AsyncCreatedAt :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) () Source #
_AsyncId :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) () Source #
_AsyncOutput :: forall r r. Prism (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) (ActionFieldsG r) (ActionFieldsG r) Source #
_AsyncTypename :: forall r. Prism' (AsyncActionQueryFieldG r) Text Source #