Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- newtype GraphQLType = GraphQLType {}
- isListType :: GraphQLType -> Bool
- isNullableType :: GraphQLType -> Bool
- data CustomRootField = CustomRootField {
- _crfName :: Maybe Name
- _crfComment :: Comment
- data TableCustomRootFields = TableCustomRootFields {
- _tcrfSelect :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfSelectByPk :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfSelectAggregate :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfSelectStream :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfInsert :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfInsertOne :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfUpdate :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfUpdateByPk :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfUpdateMany :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfDelete :: CustomRootField
- _tcrfDeleteByPk :: CustomRootField
- emptyCustomRootFields :: TableCustomRootFields
- getAllCustomRootFields :: TableCustomRootFields -> [CustomRootField]
- data FieldInfo (b :: BackendType)
- _FIRemoteRelationship :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (RemoteFieldInfo (DBJoinField b))
- _FIComputedField :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (ComputedFieldInfo b)
- _FIRelationship :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (RelInfo b)
- _FIColumn :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (StructuredColumnInfo b)
- type FieldInfoMap = HashMap FieldName
- fieldInfoName :: forall b. Backend b => FieldInfo b -> FieldName
- fieldInfoGraphQLName :: FieldInfo b -> Maybe Name
- getRemoteFieldInfoName :: RemoteFieldInfo lhsJoinField -> RelName
- fieldInfoGraphQLNames :: FieldInfo b -> [Name]
- getCols :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> [StructuredColumnInfo backend]
- sortCols :: [ColumnInfo backend] -> [ColumnInfo backend]
- getRels :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> [RelInfo backend]
- getComputedFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> [ComputedFieldInfo backend]
- data InsPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = InsPermInfo {}
- data CombinedSelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = CombinedSelPermInfo {
- cspiCols :: [HashMap (Column b) (AnnRedactionExpPartialSQL b)]
- cspiComputedFields :: [HashMap ComputedFieldName (AnnRedactionExpPartialSQL b)]
- cspiFilter :: [AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b]
- cspiLimit :: Maybe (Max Int)
- cspiAllowAgg :: Any
- cspiRequiredHeaders :: HashSet Text
- cspiAllowedQueryRootFieldTypes :: AllowedRootFields QueryRootFieldType
- cspiAllowedSubscriptionRootFieldTypes :: AllowedRootFields SubscriptionRootFieldType
- combinedSelPermInfoToSelPermInfo :: Backend b => Int -> CombinedSelPermInfo b -> SelPermInfo b
- data SelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = SelPermInfo {
- spiCols :: HashMap (Column b) (AnnRedactionExpPartialSQL b)
- spiComputedFields :: HashMap ComputedFieldName (AnnRedactionExpPartialSQL b)
- spiFilter :: AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b
- spiLimit :: Maybe Int
- spiAllowAgg :: Bool
- spiRequiredHeaders :: HashSet Text
- spiAllowedQueryRootFields :: AllowedRootFields QueryRootFieldType
- spiAllowedSubscriptionRootFields :: AllowedRootFields SubscriptionRootFieldType
- data UpdPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = UpdPermInfo {}
- data DelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) = DelPermInfo {}
- data RolePermInfo (b :: BackendType) = RolePermInfo {
- _permIns :: Maybe (InsPermInfo b)
- _permSel :: Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
- _permUpd :: Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)
- _permDel :: Maybe (DelPermInfo b)
- permUpd :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (UpdPermInfo b))
- permSel :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (SelPermInfo b))
- permIns :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (InsPermInfo b))
- permDel :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (DelPermInfo b))
- type RolePermInfoMap b = HashMap RoleName (RolePermInfo b)
- data ViewInfo = ViewInfo {}
- isMutable :: (ViewInfo -> Bool) -> Maybe ViewInfo -> Bool
- data ColumnConfig = ColumnConfig {}
- data TableConfig b = TableConfig {}
- tcCustomRootFields :: forall b. Lens' (TableConfig b) TableCustomRootFields
- tcCustomName :: forall b. Lens' (TableConfig b) (Maybe Name)
- tcComment :: forall b. Lens' (TableConfig b) Comment
- tcColumnConfig :: forall b b. Lens (TableConfig b) (TableConfig b) (HashMap (Column b) ColumnConfig) (HashMap (Column b) ColumnConfig)
- emptyTableConfig :: TableConfig b
- data Constraint (b :: BackendType) = Constraint {
- _cName :: ConstraintName b
- _cOid :: OID
- data PrimaryKey (b :: BackendType) a = PrimaryKey {
- _pkConstraint :: Constraint b
- _pkColumns :: NESeq a
- pkConstraint :: forall b a b. Lens (PrimaryKey b a) (PrimaryKey b a) (Constraint b) (Constraint b)
- pkColumns :: forall b a a. Lens (PrimaryKey b a) (PrimaryKey b a) (NESeq a) (NESeq a)
- data UniqueConstraint (b :: BackendType) = UniqueConstraint {
- _ucConstraint :: Constraint b
- _ucColumns :: HashSet (Column b)
- data ForeignKey (b :: BackendType) = ForeignKey {
- _fkConstraint :: Constraint b
- _fkForeignTable :: TableName b
- _fkColumnMapping :: NEHashMap (Column b) (Column b)
- data TableCoreInfoG (b :: BackendType) field primaryKeyColumn = TableCoreInfo {
- _tciName :: TableName b
- _tciDescription :: Maybe PGDescription
- _tciFieldInfoMap :: FieldInfoMap field
- _tciPrimaryKey :: Maybe (PrimaryKey b primaryKeyColumn)
- _tciUniqueConstraints :: HashSet (UniqueConstraint b)
- _tciForeignKeys :: HashSet (ForeignKey b)
- _tciViewInfo :: Maybe ViewInfo
- _tciEnumValues :: Maybe EnumValues
- _tciCustomConfig :: TableConfig b
- _tciExtraTableMetadata :: ExtraTableMetadata b
- _tciApolloFederationConfig :: Maybe ApolloFederationConfig
- _tciRawColumns :: [RawColumnInfo b]
- tciViewInfo :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe ViewInfo)
- tciUniqueConstraints :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (HashSet (UniqueConstraint b))
- tciRawColumns :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) [RawColumnInfo b]
- tciPrimaryKey :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn primaryKeyColumn. Lens (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe (PrimaryKey b primaryKeyColumn)) (Maybe (PrimaryKey b primaryKeyColumn))
- tciName :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableName b)
- tciForeignKeys :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (HashSet (ForeignKey b))
- tciFieldInfoMap :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn field. Lens (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (FieldInfoMap field) (FieldInfoMap field)
- tciExtraTableMetadata :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (ExtraTableMetadata b)
- tciEnumValues :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe EnumValues)
- tciDescription :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe PGDescription)
- tciCustomConfig :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableConfig b)
- tciApolloFederationConfig :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe ApolloFederationConfig)
- type TableCoreInfo b = TableCoreInfoG b (FieldInfo b) (ColumnInfo b)
- tciUniqueOrPrimaryKeyConstraints :: forall b f. Hashable (Column b) => TableCoreInfoG b f (ColumnInfo b) -> Maybe (NonEmpty (UniqueConstraint b))
- data TableInfo (b :: BackendType) = TableInfo {}
- tiRolePermInfoMap :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (RolePermInfoMap b)
- tiEventTriggerInfoMap :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (EventTriggerInfoMap b)
- tiCoreInfo :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (TableCoreInfo b)
- tiAdminRolePermInfo :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (RolePermInfo b)
- tiName :: Lens' (TableInfo b) (TableName b)
- tableInfoName :: TableInfo b -> TableName b
- tableArrayRelationships :: TableInfo b -> [RelInfo b]
- getRolePermInfo :: RoleName -> TableInfo b -> RolePermInfo b
- type TableCoreCache b = HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b)
- type TableCache b = HashMap (TableName b) (TableInfo b)
- type TableEventTriggers b = HashMap (TableName b) [TriggerName]
- newtype ForeignKeyMetadata (b :: BackendType) = ForeignKeyMetadata {}
- data DBTableMetadata (b :: BackendType) = DBTableMetadata {
- _ptmiOid :: OID
- _ptmiColumns :: [RawColumnInfo b]
- _ptmiPrimaryKey :: Maybe (PrimaryKey b (Column b))
- _ptmiUniqueConstraints :: HashSet (UniqueConstraint b)
- _ptmiForeignKeys :: HashSet (ForeignKeyMetadata b)
- _ptmiViewInfo :: Maybe ViewInfo
- _ptmiDescription :: Maybe PGDescription
- _ptmiExtraTableMetadata :: ExtraTableMetadata b
- type DBTablesMetadata b = HashMap (TableName b) (DBTableMetadata b)
- getFieldInfoM :: TableInfo b -> FieldName -> Maybe (FieldInfo b)
- getColumnInfoM :: TableInfo b -> FieldName -> Maybe (ColumnInfo b)
- askFieldInfo :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap fieldInfo -> FieldName -> m fieldInfo
- askColumnType :: (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Column backend -> Text -> m (ColumnType backend)
- askColInfo :: forall m backend. (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Column backend -> Text -> m (ColumnInfo backend)
- askComputedFieldInfo :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> ComputedFieldName -> m (ComputedFieldInfo backend)
- assertColumnExists :: forall backend m. (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Text -> Column backend -> m ()
- askRelType :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> RelName -> Text -> m (RelInfo backend)
- askRemoteRel :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> RelName -> m (RemoteFieldInfo (DBJoinField backend))
- mkAdminRolePermInfo :: Backend b => TableCoreInfo b -> RolePermInfo b
newtype GraphQLType Source #
A wrapper around GType
which allows us to define custom JSON
TODO: this name is ambiguous, and conflicts with Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema.Permission.GraphQLType; it should perhaps be renamed, made internal to this module, or removed altogether?
GraphQLType | |
Fields |
isListType :: GraphQLType -> Bool Source #
isNullableType :: GraphQLType -> Bool Source #
data CustomRootField Source #
CustomRootField | |
data TableCustomRootFields Source #
data FieldInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
FIColumn (StructuredColumnInfo b) | |
FIRelationship (RelInfo b) | |
FIComputedField (ComputedFieldInfo b) | |
FIRemoteRelationship (RemoteFieldInfo (DBJoinField b)) |
_FIRemoteRelationship :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (RemoteFieldInfo (DBJoinField b)) Source #
_FIComputedField :: forall b. Prism' (FieldInfo b) (ComputedFieldInfo b) Source #
type FieldInfoMap = HashMap FieldName Source #
getRemoteFieldInfoName :: RemoteFieldInfo lhsJoinField -> RelName Source #
fieldInfoGraphQLNames :: FieldInfo b -> [Name] Source #
Returns all the field names created for the given field. Columns, object relationships, and
computed fields only ever produce a single field, but array relationships also contain an
getCols :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> [StructuredColumnInfo backend] Source #
sortCols :: [ColumnInfo backend] -> [ColumnInfo backend] Source #
Sort columns based on their ordinal position
getComputedFieldInfos :: FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> [ComputedFieldInfo backend] Source #
data InsPermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
InsPermInfo | |
data CombinedSelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
This type is only used as an intermediate type to combine more than one select permissions for inherited roles.
Backend b => Semigroup (CombinedSelPermInfo b) Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.Table.Cache Methods (<>) :: CombinedSelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b # sconcat :: NonEmpty (CombinedSelPermInfo b) -> CombinedSelPermInfo b # stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> CombinedSelPermInfo b -> CombinedSelPermInfo b # |
combinedSelPermInfoToSelPermInfo :: Backend b => Int -> CombinedSelPermInfo b -> SelPermInfo b Source #
data SelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
SelPermInfo | |
data UpdPermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
UpdPermInfo | |
data DelPermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
DelPermInfo | |
Fields |
data RolePermInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
RolePermInfo | |
permUpd :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)) Source #
permSel :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (SelPermInfo b)) Source #
permIns :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (InsPermInfo b)) Source #
permDel :: forall b. Lens' (RolePermInfo b) (Maybe (DelPermInfo b)) Source #
type RolePermInfoMap b = HashMap RoleName (RolePermInfo b) Source #
hasuraJSON ''TableConstraint)
ViewInfo | |
FromJSON ViewInfo Source # | |
ToJSON ViewInfo Source # | |
Generic ViewInfo Source # | |
Show ViewInfo Source # | |
NFData ViewInfo Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.Table.Cache | |
Eq ViewInfo Source # | |
type Rep ViewInfo Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.Table.Cache type Rep ViewInfo = D1 ('MetaData "ViewInfo" "Hasura.Table.Cache" "graphql-engine-1.0.0-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "ViewInfo" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "viIsUpdatable") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Bool) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "viIsDeletable") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Bool) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "viIsInsertable") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Bool)))) |
data ColumnConfig Source #
ColumnConfig | |
Fields |
data TableConfig b Source #
TableConfig | |
Fields |
tcCustomRootFields :: forall b. Lens' (TableConfig b) TableCustomRootFields Source #
tcCustomName :: forall b. Lens' (TableConfig b) (Maybe Name) Source #
tcColumnConfig :: forall b b. Lens (TableConfig b) (TableConfig b) (HashMap (Column b) ColumnConfig) (HashMap (Column b) ColumnConfig) Source #
data Constraint (b :: BackendType) Source #
Constraint | |
data PrimaryKey (b :: BackendType) a Source #
PrimaryKey | |
pkConstraint :: forall b a b. Lens (PrimaryKey b a) (PrimaryKey b a) (Constraint b) (Constraint b) Source #
pkColumns :: forall b a a. Lens (PrimaryKey b a) (PrimaryKey b a) (NESeq a) (NESeq a) Source #
data UniqueConstraint (b :: BackendType) Source #
Data type modelling uniqueness constraints. Occasionally this will include
primary keys, although those are tracked separately in TableCoreInfoG
For more information about unique constraints, visit the postgresql documentation:
UniqueConstraint | |
data ForeignKey (b :: BackendType) Source #
ForeignKey | |
data TableCoreInfoG (b :: BackendType) field primaryKeyColumn Source #
The field
and primaryKeyColumn
type parameters vary as the schema cache is built and more
information is accumulated. See also TableCoreInfo
TableCoreInfo | |
tciViewInfo :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe ViewInfo) Source #
tciUniqueConstraints :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (HashSet (UniqueConstraint b)) Source #
tciRawColumns :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) [RawColumnInfo b] Source #
tciPrimaryKey :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn primaryKeyColumn. Lens (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe (PrimaryKey b primaryKeyColumn)) (Maybe (PrimaryKey b primaryKeyColumn)) Source #
tciName :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableName b) Source #
tciForeignKeys :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (HashSet (ForeignKey b)) Source #
tciFieldInfoMap :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn field. Lens (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (FieldInfoMap field) (FieldInfoMap field) Source #
tciExtraTableMetadata :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (ExtraTableMetadata b) Source #
tciEnumValues :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe EnumValues) Source #
tciDescription :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe PGDescription) Source #
tciCustomConfig :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (TableConfig b) Source #
tciApolloFederationConfig :: forall b field primaryKeyColumn. Lens' (TableCoreInfoG b field primaryKeyColumn) (Maybe ApolloFederationConfig) Source #
type TableCoreInfo b = TableCoreInfoG b (FieldInfo b) (ColumnInfo b) Source #
Fully-processed table info that includes non-column fields.
tciUniqueOrPrimaryKeyConstraints :: forall b f. Hashable (Column b) => TableCoreInfoG b f (ColumnInfo b) -> Maybe (NonEmpty (UniqueConstraint b)) Source #
data TableInfo (b :: BackendType) Source #
TableInfo | |
Fields |
(Backend b, ToJSON (EventTriggerInfoMap b), ToJSON (RolePermInfo b), ToJSON (RolePermInfoMap b), ToJSON (TableCoreInfo b)) => ToJSON (TableInfo b) Source # | |
Generic (TableInfo b) Source # | |
type Rep (TableInfo b) Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.Table.Cache type Rep (TableInfo b) = D1 ('MetaData "TableInfo" "Hasura.Table.Cache" "graphql-engine-1.0.0-inplace" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "TableInfo" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_tiCoreInfo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (TableCoreInfo b)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_tiRolePermInfoMap") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (RolePermInfoMap b))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_tiEventTriggerInfoMap") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (EventTriggerInfoMap b)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "_tiAdminRolePermInfo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 (RolePermInfo b))))) |
tiRolePermInfoMap :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (RolePermInfoMap b) Source #
tiEventTriggerInfoMap :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (EventTriggerInfoMap b) Source #
tiCoreInfo :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (TableCoreInfo b) Source #
tiAdminRolePermInfo :: forall b. Lens' (TableInfo b) (RolePermInfo b) Source #
tableInfoName :: TableInfo b -> TableName b Source #
tableArrayRelationships :: TableInfo b -> [RelInfo b] Source #
getRolePermInfo :: RoleName -> TableInfo b -> RolePermInfo b Source #
type TableCoreCache b = HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfo b) Source #
type TableEventTriggers b = HashMap (TableName b) [TriggerName] Source #
newtype ForeignKeyMetadata (b :: BackendType) Source #
Metadata of a Postgres foreign key constraint which is being extracted from database via 'src-rsr/pg_table_metadata.sql'
ForeignKeyMetadata | |
Fields |
data DBTableMetadata (b :: BackendType) Source #
Metadata of any Backend table which is being extracted from source database
DBTableMetadata | |
type DBTablesMetadata b = HashMap (TableName b) (DBTableMetadata b) Source #
getColumnInfoM :: TableInfo b -> FieldName -> Maybe (ColumnInfo b) Source #
askFieldInfo :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap fieldInfo -> FieldName -> m fieldInfo Source #
askColumnType :: (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Column backend -> Text -> m (ColumnType backend) Source #
askColInfo :: forall m backend. (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Column backend -> Text -> m (ColumnInfo backend) Source #
askComputedFieldInfo :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> ComputedFieldName -> m (ComputedFieldInfo backend) Source #
assertColumnExists :: forall backend m. (MonadError QErr m, Backend backend) => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> Text -> Column backend -> m () Source #
askRelType :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> RelName -> Text -> m (RelInfo backend) Source #
askRemoteRel :: MonadError QErr m => FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo backend) -> RelName -> m (RemoteFieldInfo (DBJoinField backend)) Source #
mkAdminRolePermInfo :: Backend b => TableCoreInfo b -> RolePermInfo b Source #