Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module defines the type class BackendSchema
and auxiliary types.
represents the part of the interface that a backend driver
presents to the GraphQL Engine core that is responsible for generating
the backend's Schema Parsers.
The Schema Parsers recognise (and reflect) the schema that a backend exposes.
The BackendSchema
methods are used by
, which is the core's entrypoint to
schema generation.
Many of the BackendSchema
methods will have default implementations that a
backend driver may use. These may be found (chiefly) in the modules:
- The module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build, commonly qualified
- Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select, commonly qualified
- Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
For more information see:
- Technical overview of Schema Generation
- The type
, and associated source code notes in the same folder (not exposed with Haddock unfortunately)
- type MonadBuildSchema b r m n = (BackendSchema b, MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n)
- class Backend b => BackendSchema (b :: BackendType) where
- buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m ([FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))], [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))], Maybe (Name, Parser 'Output n (ApolloFederationParserFunction n)))
- buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildTableRelayQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> NESeq (ColumnInfo b) -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildTableInsertMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> Scenario -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedInsert b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildTableUpdateMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => Scenario -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedUpdateG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildTableDeleteMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> Scenario -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnDelG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildFunctionQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildFunctionRelayQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> NESeq (ColumnInfo b) -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildFunctionMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (MutationDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))]
- buildNativeQueryRootFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
- buildStoredProcedureRootFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => StoredProcedureInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
- mkRelationshipParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => RelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (AnnotatedInsertField b (UnpreparedValue b)))))
- relayExtension :: Maybe (XRelay b)
- nodesAggExtension :: Maybe (XNodesAgg b)
- streamSubscriptionExtension :: Maybe (XStreamingSubscription b)
- groupByExtension :: Maybe (XGroupBy b)
- columnParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ColumnType b -> Nullability -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue b)))
- enumParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => TableName b -> NonEmpty (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> Maybe Name -> Nullability -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ScalarValue b))
- possiblyNullable :: MonadParse m => ScalarType b -> Nullability -> Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue b) -> Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue b)
- scalarSelectionArgumentsParser :: MonadParse n => ColumnType b -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (ScalarSelectionArguments b))
- orderByOperators :: SourceInfo b -> NamingCase -> (Name, NonEmpty (Definition EnumValueInfo, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b)))
- comparisonExps :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ColumnType b -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp b])
- countTypeInput :: MonadParse n => Maybe (Parser 'Both n (Column b, AnnRedactionExpUnpreparedValue b)) -> InputFieldsParser n (CountDistinct -> CountType b (UnpreparedValue b))
- aggregateOrderByCountType :: ScalarType b
- computedField :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ComputedFieldInfo b -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)))
- class Backend b => BackendTableSelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where
- tableArguments :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (SelectArgsG b (UnpreparedValue b)))
- tableSelectionSet :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b)))
- selectTable :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> Name -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (SelectExp b)))
- selectTableAggregate :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> Name -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AggSelectExp b)))
- type ComparisonExp b = OpExpG b (UnpreparedValue b)
- class Backend b => BackendLogicalModelSelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where
- logicalModelArguments :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => LogicalModelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (SelectArgsG b (UnpreparedValue b)))
- logicalModelSelectionSet :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => LogicalModelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b)))
- class BackendLogicalModelSelectSchema b => BackendNativeQuerySelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where
- selectNativeQuery :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> Name -> Nullable -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
- selectNativeQueryObject :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> Name -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnObjectSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
- class Backend b => BackendUpdateOperatorsSchema (b :: BackendType) where
- type UpdateOperators b :: Type -> Type
- parseUpdateOperators :: forall m n r. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> UpdPermInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (Column b) (UpdateOperators b (UnpreparedValue b))))
type MonadBuildSchema b r m n = (BackendSchema b, MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n) Source #
Bag of constraints available to the methods of BackendSchema
Note that BackendSchema b
is itself part of this, so a methods may also
call other methods. This might seem trivial, but it can be easy to miss when
the functions used to implement a class instance are defined in multiple
class Backend b => BackendSchema (b :: BackendType) where Source #
This type class is responsible for generating the schema of a backend. Its methods are called by the common core that orchestrates the various backend drivers.
Its purpose in life is to make it convenient to express the GraphQL schema we want to expose for the backends that we support. This means balancing the desire to have consistency with the desire to differentiate the schema of a backend.
This means that it is expected to evolve over time as we add new backends, and that you have the license to change it: Whatever form it currently takes only reflects status quo current implementation.
The module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build (commonly qualified as GSB
provides standard building blocks for implementing many methods of this
class. And as such, these two modules are very much expected to evolve in
Minimal complete definition
buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields, buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields, buildTableRelayQueryFields, buildTableInsertMutationFields, buildTableUpdateMutationFields, buildTableDeleteMutationFields, buildFunctionQueryFields, buildFunctionRelayQueryFields, buildFunctionMutationFields, relayExtension, nodesAggExtension, streamSubscriptionExtension, columnParser, enumParser, possiblyNullable, scalarSelectionArgumentsParser, orderByOperators, comparisonExps, countTypeInput, aggregateOrderByCountType, computedField
buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m ([FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))], [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))], Maybe (Name, Parser 'Output n (ApolloFederationParserFunction n))) Source #
buildTableStreamingSubscriptionFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildTableRelayQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> NESeq (ColumnInfo b) -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildTableInsertMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> Scenario -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedInsert b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildTableUpdateMutationFields Source #
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n | |
=> Scenario | |
-> TableInfo b | table info |
-> GQLNameIdentifier | field display name |
-> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedUpdateG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] |
This method is responsible for building the GraphQL Schema for mutations
backed by UPDATE
statements on some table, as described in
The suggested way to implement this is using building blocks in GSB, c.f.
its namesake GSB.
buildTableDeleteMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> Scenario -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> GQLNameIdentifier -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (AnnDelG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildFunctionQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildFunctionRelayQueryFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> NESeq (ColumnInfo b) -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildFunctionMutationFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => MkRootFieldName -> FunctionName b -> FunctionInfo b -> TableName b -> SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (MutationDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))] Source #
buildNativeQueryRootFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)))) Source #
buildStoredProcedureRootFields :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => StoredProcedureInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (QueryDB b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)))) Source #
mkRelationshipParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => RelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (AnnotatedInsertField b (UnpreparedValue b))))) Source #
Make a parser for relationships. Default implementaton elides relationships altogether.
relayExtension :: Maybe (XRelay b) Source #
nodesAggExtension :: Maybe (XNodesAgg b) Source #
streamSubscriptionExtension :: Maybe (XStreamingSubscription b) Source #
groupByExtension :: Maybe (XGroupBy b) Source #
columnParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ColumnType b -> Nullability -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue b))) Source #
enumParser :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => TableName b -> NonEmpty (EnumValue, EnumValueInfo) -> Maybe Name -> Nullability -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Both n (ScalarValue b)) Source #
possiblyNullable :: MonadParse m => ScalarType b -> Nullability -> Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue b) -> Parser 'Both m (ScalarValue b) Source #
scalarSelectionArgumentsParser :: MonadParse n => ColumnType b -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (ScalarSelectionArguments b)) Source #
Parser for arguments on scalar fields in a selection set
orderByOperators :: SourceInfo b -> NamingCase -> (Name, NonEmpty (Definition EnumValueInfo, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))) Source #
comparisonExps :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ColumnType b -> SchemaT r m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp b]) Source #
countTypeInput :: MonadParse n => Maybe (Parser 'Both n (Column b, AnnRedactionExpUnpreparedValue b)) -> InputFieldsParser n (CountDistinct -> CountType b (UnpreparedValue b)) Source #
The input fields parser, for "count" aggregate field, yielding a function which generates @'CountType b' from optional "distinct" field value
aggregateOrderByCountType :: ScalarType b Source #
computedField :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => ComputedFieldInfo b -> TableName b -> TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b))) Source #
Computed field parser
class Backend b => BackendTableSelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where Source #
The public interface for the schema of table queries exposed by a backend.
Remote Schemas and the Relay schema are the chief backend-agnostic clients of this typeclass.
Some of schema building components in the Hasura.GraphQL.Schema namespace also make use of these methods, ensuring backends expose a consistent schema regardless of the mode it's referenced.
Default implementations exist for all of these in
tableArguments :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (SelectArgsG b (UnpreparedValue b))) Source #
tableSelectionSet :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b))) Source #
:: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n | |
=> TableInfo b | table info |
-> Name | field display name |
-> Maybe Description | field description, if any |
-> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (SelectExp b))) |
:: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n | |
=> TableInfo b | table info |
-> Name | field display name |
-> Maybe Description | field description, if any |
-> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AggSelectExp b))) |
type ComparisonExp b = OpExpG b (UnpreparedValue b) Source #
class Backend b => BackendLogicalModelSelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where Source #
logicalModelArguments :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => LogicalModelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (SelectArgsG b (UnpreparedValue b))) Source #
logicalModelSelectionSet :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => LogicalModelInfo b -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b))) Source #
class BackendLogicalModelSelectSchema b => BackendNativeQuerySelectSchema (b :: BackendType) where Source #
Minimal complete definition
selectNativeQuery :: MonadBuildSourceSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> Name -> Nullable -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnSimpleSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)))) Source #
selectNativeQueryObject :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => NativeQueryInfo b -> Name -> Maybe Description -> SchemaT r m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnObjectSelectG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)))) Source #
class Backend b => BackendUpdateOperatorsSchema (b :: BackendType) where Source #
Associated Types
type UpdateOperators b :: Type -> Type Source #
Intermediate Representation of the set of update operators that act upon table fields during an update mutation. (For example, _set and _inc)
It is parameterised over the type of fields, which changes during the IR translation phases.
parseUpdateOperators :: forall m n r. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => TableInfo b -> UpdPermInfo b -> SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (Column b) (UpdateOperators b (UnpreparedValue b)))) Source #
In its current form, we model every component, from the top level (query,
insert mutation, etc.) of the schema down to its leaf values, as a type class
method of BackendSchema
Consider, for example, the following query for a given table "author":
query { author(where: {id: {_eq: 2}}) { name } }
The chain of functions leading to a parser for this RootField will be along the lines of:
> BackendSchema.buildTableQueryAndSubscriptionFields (Suggested default its GSB namesake) > GSS.selectTable > BackendSchema.tableArguments (Suggested default implementation being GSS.defaultTableArgs) > GSS.tableWhereArg > GSBE.boolExp > BackendSchema.comparisonExps > BackendSchema.columnParser > tableSelectionSet (...) > fieldSelection
(where the abbreviation GSB
refers to Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build and GSS
refers to Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select, and GSBE
refers to
Several of those steps are part of the class, meaning that a backend can
customize part of this tree without having to reimplement all of it. For
instance, a backend that supports a different set ot table arguments can
choose to reimplement tableArguments
, but can still use
in its custom implementation.
Applying the above modelling guidelines has pros and cons:
- Pro: You can specify both shared and diverging behavior.
- Pro: You can specify a lot of behavior implicitly, i.e. it's easy to write.
- Con: You can specify a lot of behavior implicitly, i.e. it's hard to understand without tracing through implementations.
- Con: You get a proliferation of type class methods and it's difficult to understand how they fit together.
Going forward, we want to follow some different modelling guidelines:
We should break up / refactor the building blocks (in
Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Build etc.) which are used to implement the top-level
type class methods (e.g. BackendSchema
, c.f.
, etc.) and have them
invoke the backend-specific behaviors they rely on via function arguments
instead of other type class methods.
When we do this, the function call sites (which will often be in instance
BackendSchema ...
) become the centralised places where we decide which behavior
variation to follow.
When faced with answering the question of "what does this method do, and how does it do it?", at least you will have listed the other components it depends on front and center without having to trace through its implementation.
That is of course, if we refactor our building blocks mindfully into conceptually meaningful units. Otherwise we'll just end up with an incomprehensible mass of poorly shaped pieces. And we will still have a hard time explaining what they do.
In other words, It is still the case that if you don't clean your room you'll be living in a mess.