graphql-engine-1.0.0: GraphQL API over Postgres
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




newtype TransT t (m :: Type -> Type) a Source #

Utility newtype that can be used to derive type class instances just using MonadTrans.

We often derive some MonadBlaBla instance for ReaderT by using lift from MonadTrans. Which is fine, but it gets laborious if you do the same for ExceptT, StateT and WriterT, even though the method implementations are exactly the same. TransT allows you to write one MonadTrans-based instance, which can then be used with DerivingVia to use that one implementation for all monad transformers that use that same lifting implementation.


TransT (t m a) 


Instances details
MFunctor t => MFunctor (TransT t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


hoist :: forall m n (b :: k). Monad m => (forall a. m a -> n a) -> TransT t m b -> TransT t n b Source #

MMonad t => MMonad (TransT t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


embed :: forall (n :: Type -> Type) m b. Monad n => (forall a. m a -> TransT t n a) -> TransT t m b -> TransT t n b Source #

MonadTrans t => MonadTrans (TransT t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


lift :: Monad m => m a -> TransT t m a #

Applicative (t m) => Applicative (TransT t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


pure :: a -> TransT t m a #

(<*>) :: TransT t m (a -> b) -> TransT t m a -> TransT t m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> TransT t m a -> TransT t m b -> TransT t m c #

(*>) :: TransT t m a -> TransT t m b -> TransT t m b #

(<*) :: TransT t m a -> TransT t m b -> TransT t m a #

Functor (t m) => Functor (TransT t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


fmap :: (a -> b) -> TransT t m a -> TransT t m b #

(<$) :: a -> TransT t m b -> TransT t m a #

Monad (t m) => Monad (TransT t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Extended


(>>=) :: TransT t m a -> (a -> TransT t m b) -> TransT t m b #

(>>) :: TransT t m a -> TransT t m b -> TransT t m b #

return :: a -> TransT t m a #

(MonadEECredentialsStorage m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadEECredentialsStorage (TransT t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasura.Metadata.Class

(MonadMetadataStorage m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadMetadataStorage (TransT t m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Hasura.Metadata.Class


fetchMetadataResourceVersion :: TransT t m (Either QErr MetadataResourceVersion) Source #

fetchMetadata :: TransT t m (Either QErr MetadataWithResourceVersion) Source #

fetchMetadataNotifications :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> TransT t m (Either QErr [(MetadataResourceVersion, CacheInvalidations)]) Source #

setMetadata :: MetadataResourceVersion -> Metadata -> TransT t m (Either QErr MetadataResourceVersion) Source #

notifySchemaCacheSync :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> CacheInvalidations -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

getCatalogState :: TransT t m (Either QErr CatalogState) Source #

setCatalogState :: CatalogStateType -> Value -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

fetchSourceIntrospection :: MetadataResourceVersion -> TransT t m (Either QErr (Maybe StoredIntrospection)) Source #

storeSourceIntrospection :: StoredIntrospection -> MetadataResourceVersion -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

getMetadataDbUid :: TransT t m (Either QErr MetadataDbId) Source #

checkMetadataStorageHealth :: TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

getDeprivedCronTriggerStats :: [TriggerName] -> TransT t m (Either QErr [CronTriggerStats]) Source #

getScheduledEventsForDelivery :: [TriggerName] -> TransT t m (Either QErr ([CronEvent], [OneOffScheduledEvent])) Source #

insertCronEvents :: [CronEventSeed] -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

insertOneOffScheduledEvent :: OneOffEvent -> TransT t m (Either QErr EventId) Source #

insertScheduledEventInvocation :: Invocation 'ScheduledType -> ScheduledEventType -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

setScheduledEventOp :: ScheduledEventId -> ScheduledEventOp -> ScheduledEventType -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

unlockScheduledEvents :: ScheduledEventType -> [ScheduledEventId] -> TransT t m (Either QErr Int) Source #

unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents :: TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

clearFutureCronEvents :: ClearCronEvents -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

getOneOffScheduledEvents :: ScheduledEventPagination -> [ScheduledEventStatus] -> RowsCountOption -> TransT t m (Either QErr (WithOptionalTotalCount [OneOffScheduledEvent])) Source #

getCronEvents :: TriggerName -> ScheduledEventPagination -> [ScheduledEventStatus] -> RowsCountOption -> TransT t m (Either QErr (WithOptionalTotalCount [CronEvent])) Source #

getScheduledEventInvocations :: GetScheduledEventInvocations -> TransT t m (Either QErr (WithOptionalTotalCount [ScheduledEventInvocation])) Source #

deleteScheduledEvent :: ScheduledEventId -> ScheduledEventType -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

insertAction :: ActionName -> SessionVariables -> [Header] -> Value -> TransT t m (Either QErr ActionId) Source #

fetchUndeliveredActionEvents :: TransT t m (Either QErr [ActionLogItem]) Source #

setActionStatus :: ActionId -> AsyncActionStatus -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

fetchActionResponse :: ActionId -> TransT t m (Either QErr ActionLogResponse) Source #

clearActionData :: ActionName -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #

setProcessingActionLogsToPending :: LockedActionIdArray -> TransT t m (Either QErr ()) Source #