Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
In order to avoid circular dependencies while splitting
into multiple modules, some definitions must be
moved out of that module. This module is the bucket for definitions that have
not been specifically moved elsewhere.
- type EventTriggers b = InsOrdHashMap TriggerName (EventTriggerConf b)
- type RemoteSchemaMetadata = RemoteSchemaMetadataG RemoteRelationshipDefinition
- type RemoteSchemas = InsOrdHashMap RemoteSchemaName RemoteSchemaMetadata
- type Tables b = InsOrdHashMap (TableName b) (TableMetadata b)
- type Functions b = InsOrdHashMap (FunctionName b) (FunctionMetadata b)
- type NativeQueries b = InsOrdHashMap NativeQueryName (NativeQueryMetadata b)
- type StoredProcedures b = InsOrdHashMap (FunctionName b) (StoredProcedureMetadata b)
- type LogicalModels b = InsOrdHashMap LogicalModelName (LogicalModelMetadata b)
- type Endpoints = InsOrdHashMap EndpointName CreateEndpoint
- type Actions = InsOrdHashMap ActionName ActionMetadata
- type CronTriggers = InsOrdHashMap TriggerName CronTriggerMetadata
- type InheritedRoles = InsOrdHashMap RoleName InheritedRole
- data SourceMetadata b = SourceMetadata {
- _smName :: SourceName
- _smKind :: BackendSourceKind b
- _smTables :: Tables b
- _smFunctions :: Functions b
- _smNativeQueries :: NativeQueries b
- _smStoredProcedures :: StoredProcedures b
- _smLogicalModels :: LogicalModels b
- _smConfiguration :: SourceConnConfiguration b
- _smQueryTags :: Maybe QueryTagsConfig
- _smCustomization :: SourceCustomization
- _smHealthCheckConfig :: Maybe (HealthCheckConfig b)
- smTables :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Tables b)
- smStoredProcedures :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (StoredProcedures b)
- smQueryTags :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Maybe QueryTagsConfig)
- smNativeQueries :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (NativeQueries b)
- smName :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) SourceName
- smLogicalModels :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (LogicalModels b)
- smKind :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (BackendSourceKind b)
- smHealthCheckConfig :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Maybe (HealthCheckConfig b))
- smFunctions :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Functions b)
- smCustomization :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) SourceCustomization
- smConfiguration :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (SourceConnConfiguration b)
- backendSourceMetadataCodec :: JSONCodec BackendSourceMetadata
- mkSourceMetadata :: forall (b :: BackendType). Backend b => SourceName -> BackendSourceKind b -> SourceConnConfiguration b -> SourceCustomization -> Maybe (HealthCheckConfig b) -> BackendSourceMetadata
- newtype BackendSourceMetadata = BackendSourceMetadata {}
- toSourceMetadata :: forall b. Backend b => Prism' BackendSourceMetadata (SourceMetadata b)
- getSourceName :: BackendSourceMetadata -> SourceName
- type Sources = InsOrdHashMap SourceName BackendSourceMetadata
- sourcesCodec :: JSONCodec Sources
- parseNonSourcesMetadata :: Object -> Parser (RemoteSchemas, QueryCollections, MetadataAllowlist, CustomTypes, Actions, CronTriggers, ApiLimit, MetricsConfig, InheritedRoles, SetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions)
- newtype BackendConfigWrapper b = BackendConfigWrapper {}
- data CatalogStateType
- = CSTCli
- | CSTConsole
- data SetCatalogState = SetCatalogState {}
- data CatalogState = CatalogState {
- _csId :: Text
- _csCliState :: Value
- _csConsoleState :: Value
- data GetCatalogState = GetCatalogState
type EventTriggers b = InsOrdHashMap TriggerName (EventTriggerConf b) Source #
type Tables b = InsOrdHashMap (TableName b) (TableMetadata b) Source #
type Functions b = InsOrdHashMap (FunctionName b) (FunctionMetadata b) Source #
type NativeQueries b = InsOrdHashMap NativeQueryName (NativeQueryMetadata b) Source #
type StoredProcedures b = InsOrdHashMap (FunctionName b) (StoredProcedureMetadata b) Source #
type LogicalModels b = InsOrdHashMap LogicalModelName (LogicalModelMetadata b) Source #
data SourceMetadata b Source #
Source configuration for a source of backend type b
as stored in the Metadata DB.
smStoredProcedures :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (StoredProcedures b) Source #
smQueryTags :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Maybe QueryTagsConfig) Source #
smNativeQueries :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (NativeQueries b) Source #
smName :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) SourceName Source #
smLogicalModels :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (LogicalModels b) Source #
smKind :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (BackendSourceKind b) Source #
smHealthCheckConfig :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Maybe (HealthCheckConfig b)) Source #
smFunctions :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (Functions b) Source #
smCustomization :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) SourceCustomization Source #
smConfiguration :: forall b. Lens' (SourceMetadata b) (SourceConnConfiguration b) Source #
mkSourceMetadata :: forall (b :: BackendType). Backend b => SourceName -> BackendSourceKind b -> SourceConnConfiguration b -> SourceCustomization -> Maybe (HealthCheckConfig b) -> BackendSourceMetadata Source #
newtype BackendSourceMetadata Source #
Source configuration as stored in the Metadata DB for some existentialized backend.
BackendSourceMetadata | |
Show BackendSourceMetadata Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Common Methods showsPrec :: Int -> BackendSourceMetadata -> ShowS # show :: BackendSourceMetadata -> String # showList :: [BackendSourceMetadata] -> ShowS # | |
Eq BackendSourceMetadata Source # | |
Defined in Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Common Methods (==) :: BackendSourceMetadata -> BackendSourceMetadata -> Bool # (/=) :: BackendSourceMetadata -> BackendSourceMetadata -> Bool # |
toSourceMetadata :: forall b. Backend b => Prism' BackendSourceMetadata (SourceMetadata b) Source #
parseNonSourcesMetadata :: Object -> Parser (RemoteSchemas, QueryCollections, MetadataAllowlist, CustomTypes, Actions, CronTriggers, ApiLimit, MetricsConfig, InheritedRoles, SetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions) Source #
newtype BackendConfigWrapper b Source #
This newtype simply wraps the BackendConfig type family so that it can be used with BackendMap in the Metadata type. GHC will not allow the type family to be used directly. :(
BackendConfigWrapper | |
Fields |
data CatalogStateType Source #
CSTCli | |
CSTConsole |
data SetCatalogState Source #
SetCatalogState | |
Fields |
data CatalogState Source #
CatalogState | |
data GetCatalogState Source #
GetCatalogState |