{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
( MSSQLConnConfiguration (MSSQLConnConfiguration),
MSSQLSourceConfig (MSSQLSourceConfig, _mscExecCtx),
MSSQLExecCtx (..),
MonadMSSQLTx (..),
import Autodocodec (HasCodec (codec), named)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
import Database.MSSQL.Pool qualified as MSPool
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction qualified as MSTx
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.SQL.Error
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable (..))
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Placeholder (placeholderCodecViaJSON)
import Hasura.Prelude
class MonadError QErr m => MonadMSSQLTx m where
liftMSSQLTx :: MSTx.TxE QErr a -> m a
instance MonadMSSQLTx m => MonadMSSQLTx (ReaderT s m) where
liftMSSQLTx :: TxE QErr a -> ReaderT s m a
liftMSSQLTx = m a -> ReaderT s m a
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (m a -> ReaderT s m a)
-> (TxE QErr a -> m a) -> TxE QErr a -> ReaderT s m a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TxE QErr a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadMSSQLTx m => TxE QErr a -> m a
instance MonadMSSQLTx m => MonadMSSQLTx (StateT s m) where
liftMSSQLTx :: TxE QErr a -> StateT s m a
liftMSSQLTx = m a -> StateT s m a
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (m a -> StateT s m a)
-> (TxE QErr a -> m a) -> TxE QErr a -> StateT s m a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TxE QErr a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadMSSQLTx m => TxE QErr a -> m a
instance (Monoid w, MonadMSSQLTx m) => MonadMSSQLTx (WriterT w m) where
liftMSSQLTx :: TxE QErr a -> WriterT w m a
liftMSSQLTx = m a -> WriterT w m a
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (m a -> WriterT w m a)
-> (TxE QErr a -> m a) -> TxE QErr a -> WriterT w m a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. TxE QErr a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadMSSQLTx m => TxE QErr a -> m a
instance MonadIO m => MonadMSSQLTx (MSTx.TxET QErr m) where
liftMSSQLTx :: TxE QErr a -> TxET QErr m a
liftMSSQLTx = (forall a. IO a -> m a) -> TxE QErr a -> TxET QErr m a
forall k (t :: (* -> *) -> k -> *) (m :: * -> *) (n :: * -> *)
(b :: k).
(MFunctor t, Monad m) =>
(forall a. m a -> n a) -> t m b -> t n b
hoist forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
newtype MSSQLConnectionString = MSSQLConnectionString {MSSQLConnectionString -> Text
unMSSQLConnectionString :: Text}
deriving (Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> ShowS
[MSSQLConnectionString] -> ShowS
MSSQLConnectionString -> String
(Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> ShowS)
-> (MSSQLConnectionString -> String)
-> ([MSSQLConnectionString] -> ShowS)
-> Show MSSQLConnectionString
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> ShowS
show :: MSSQLConnectionString -> String
$cshow :: MSSQLConnectionString -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> ShowS
Show, MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
(MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool)
-> (MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool)
-> Eq MSSQLConnectionString
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
$c/= :: MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
== :: MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
$c== :: MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
Eq, [MSSQLConnectionString] -> Value
[MSSQLConnectionString] -> Encoding
MSSQLConnectionString -> Value
MSSQLConnectionString -> Encoding
(MSSQLConnectionString -> Value)
-> (MSSQLConnectionString -> Encoding)
-> ([MSSQLConnectionString] -> Value)
-> ([MSSQLConnectionString] -> Encoding)
-> ToJSON MSSQLConnectionString
forall a.
(a -> Value)
-> (a -> Encoding)
-> ([a] -> Value)
-> ([a] -> Encoding)
-> ToJSON a
toEncodingList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> Encoding
$ctoEncodingList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> Encoding
toJSONList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> Value
$ctoJSONList :: [MSSQLConnectionString] -> Value
toEncoding :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Encoding
$ctoEncoding :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Encoding
toJSON :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Value
$ctoJSON :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Value
ToJSON, Value -> Parser [MSSQLConnectionString]
Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionString
(Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionString)
-> (Value -> Parser [MSSQLConnectionString])
-> FromJSON MSSQLConnectionString
forall a.
(Value -> Parser a) -> (Value -> Parser [a]) -> FromJSON a
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [MSSQLConnectionString]
$cparseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [MSSQLConnectionString]
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionString
$cparseJSON :: Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionString
FromJSON, Eq MSSQLConnectionString
Eq MSSQLConnectionString
-> (Accesses
-> MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool)
-> Cacheable MSSQLConnectionString
Accesses -> MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
forall a. Eq a -> (Accesses -> a -> a -> Bool) -> Cacheable a
unchanged :: Accesses -> MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
$cunchanged :: Accesses -> MSSQLConnectionString -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Bool
$cp1Cacheable :: Eq MSSQLConnectionString
Cacheable, Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
(Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Int)
-> (MSSQLConnectionString -> Int) -> Hashable MSSQLConnectionString
forall a. (Int -> a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Hashable a
hash :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
$chash :: MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
hashWithSalt :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
$chashWithSalt :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionString -> Int
Hashable, MSSQLConnectionString -> ()
(MSSQLConnectionString -> ()) -> NFData MSSQLConnectionString
forall a. (a -> ()) -> NFData a
rnf :: MSSQLConnectionString -> ()
$crnf :: MSSQLConnectionString -> ()
instance Cacheable MSPool.ConnectionString
instance Hashable MSPool.ConnectionString
instance NFData MSPool.ConnectionString
data InputConnectionString
= RawString MSPool.ConnectionString
| FromEnvironment Text
deriving stock (Int -> InputConnectionString -> ShowS
[InputConnectionString] -> ShowS
InputConnectionString -> String
(Int -> InputConnectionString -> ShowS)
-> (InputConnectionString -> String)
-> ([InputConnectionString] -> ShowS)
-> Show InputConnectionString
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [InputConnectionString] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [InputConnectionString] -> ShowS
show :: InputConnectionString -> String
$cshow :: InputConnectionString -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> InputConnectionString -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> InputConnectionString -> ShowS
Show, InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool
(InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool)
-> (InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool)
-> Eq InputConnectionString
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool
$c/= :: InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool
== :: InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool
$c== :: InputConnectionString -> InputConnectionString -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. InputConnectionString -> Rep InputConnectionString x)
-> (forall x. Rep InputConnectionString x -> InputConnectionString)
-> Generic InputConnectionString
forall x. Rep InputConnectionString x -> InputConnectionString
forall x. InputConnectionString -> Rep InputConnectionString x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep InputConnectionString x -> InputConnectionString
$cfrom :: forall x. InputConnectionString -> Rep InputConnectionString x
instance Cacheable InputConnectionString
instance Hashable InputConnectionString
instance NFData InputConnectionString
instance ToJSON InputConnectionString where
toJSON :: InputConnectionString -> Value
toJSON =
(RawString ConnectionString
m) -> ConnectionString -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
toJSON ConnectionString
(FromEnvironment Text
wEnv) -> [Pair] -> Value
object [Key
"from_env" Key -> Text -> Pair
forall kv v. (KeyValue kv, ToJSON v) => Key -> v -> kv
.= Text
instance FromJSON InputConnectionString where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser InputConnectionString
parseJSON =
(Object Object
o) -> Text -> InputConnectionString
FromEnvironment (Text -> InputConnectionString)
-> Parser Text -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser Text
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
s :: Value
s@(String Text
_) -> ConnectionString -> InputConnectionString
RawString (ConnectionString -> InputConnectionString)
-> Parser ConnectionString -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Value -> Parser ConnectionString
forall a. FromJSON a => Value -> Parser a
parseJSON Value
_ -> String -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadFail m => String -> m a
fail String
"one of string or object must be provided"
data MSSQLPoolSettings = MSSQLPoolSettings
{ MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
_mpsMaxConnections :: Int,
MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
_mpsIdleTimeout :: Int
deriving (Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> ShowS
[MSSQLPoolSettings] -> ShowS
MSSQLPoolSettings -> String
(Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> ShowS)
-> (MSSQLPoolSettings -> String)
-> ([MSSQLPoolSettings] -> ShowS)
-> Show MSSQLPoolSettings
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MSSQLPoolSettings] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MSSQLPoolSettings] -> ShowS
show :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> String
$cshow :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> ShowS
Show, MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool
(MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool)
-> (MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool)
-> Eq MSSQLPoolSettings
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool
$c/= :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool
== :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool
$c== :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. MSSQLPoolSettings -> Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x)
-> (forall x. Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x -> MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Generic MSSQLPoolSettings
forall x. Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x -> MSSQLPoolSettings
forall x. MSSQLPoolSettings -> Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x -> MSSQLPoolSettings
$cfrom :: forall x. MSSQLPoolSettings -> Rep MSSQLPoolSettings x
instance Cacheable MSSQLPoolSettings
instance Hashable MSSQLPoolSettings
instance NFData MSSQLPoolSettings
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MSSQLPoolSettings)
instance FromJSON MSSQLPoolSettings where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings
parseJSON = String
-> (Object -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Value
-> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObject String
"MSSQL pool settings" ((Object -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Value -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> (Object -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Value
-> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Object
o ->
Int -> Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings
(Int -> Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Parser Int -> Parser (Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe Int)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
.:? Key
"max_connections" Parser (Maybe Int) -> Int -> Parser Int
forall a. Parser (Maybe a) -> a -> Parser a
.!= MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
_mpsMaxConnections MSSQLPoolSettings
Parser (Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> Parser Int -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe Int)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
.:? Key
"idle_timeout" Parser (Maybe Int) -> Int -> Parser Int
forall a. Parser (Maybe a) -> a -> Parser a
.!= MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
_mpsIdleTimeout MSSQLPoolSettings
defaultMSSQLPoolSettings :: MSSQLPoolSettings
defaultMSSQLPoolSettings :: MSSQLPoolSettings
defaultMSSQLPoolSettings =
MSSQLPoolSettings :: Int -> Int -> MSSQLPoolSettings
{ _mpsMaxConnections :: Int
_mpsMaxConnections = Int
_mpsIdleTimeout :: Int
_mpsIdleTimeout = Int
data MSSQLConnectionInfo = MSSQLConnectionInfo
{ MSSQLConnectionInfo -> InputConnectionString
_mciConnectionString :: InputConnectionString,
MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLPoolSettings
_mciPoolSettings :: MSSQLPoolSettings
deriving (Int -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> ShowS
[MSSQLConnectionInfo] -> ShowS
MSSQLConnectionInfo -> String
(Int -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> ShowS)
-> (MSSQLConnectionInfo -> String)
-> ([MSSQLConnectionInfo] -> ShowS)
-> Show MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MSSQLConnectionInfo] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MSSQLConnectionInfo] -> ShowS
show :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> String
$cshow :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> ShowS
Show, MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool
(MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool)
-> (MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool)
-> Eq MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool
$c/= :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool
== :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool
$c== :: MSSQLConnectionInfo -> MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x)
-> (forall x. Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x -> MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Generic MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall x. Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x -> MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall x. MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x -> MSSQLConnectionInfo
$cfrom :: forall x. MSSQLConnectionInfo -> Rep MSSQLConnectionInfo x
instance Cacheable MSSQLConnectionInfo
instance Hashable MSSQLConnectionInfo
instance NFData MSSQLConnectionInfo
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MSSQLConnectionInfo)
instance FromJSON MSSQLConnectionInfo where
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo
parseJSON = String
-> (Object -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Value
-> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall a. String -> (Object -> Parser a) -> Value -> Parser a
withObject String
"Object" ((Object -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Value -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> (Object -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Value
-> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Object
o ->
InputConnectionString -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLConnectionInfo
(InputConnectionString -> MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Parser InputConnectionString
-> Parser (MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLConnectionInfo)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ((Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
"database_url") Parser InputConnectionString
-> Parser InputConnectionString -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser InputConnectionString
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser a
.: Key
Parser (MSSQLPoolSettings -> MSSQLConnectionInfo)
-> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings -> Parser MSSQLConnectionInfo
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Object
o Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe MSSQLPoolSettings)
forall a. FromJSON a => Object -> Key -> Parser (Maybe a)
.:? Key
"pool_settings" Parser (Maybe MSSQLPoolSettings)
-> MSSQLPoolSettings -> Parser MSSQLPoolSettings
forall a. Parser (Maybe a) -> a -> Parser a
.!= MSSQLPoolSettings
data MSSQLConnConfiguration = MSSQLConnConfiguration
{ MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnectionInfo
_mccConnectionInfo :: MSSQLConnectionInfo,
MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Maybe (NonEmpty MSSQLConnectionInfo)
_mccReadReplicas :: Maybe (NonEmpty MSSQLConnectionInfo)
deriving (Int -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> ShowS
[MSSQLConnConfiguration] -> ShowS
MSSQLConnConfiguration -> String
(Int -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> ShowS)
-> (MSSQLConnConfiguration -> String)
-> ([MSSQLConnConfiguration] -> ShowS)
-> Show MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [MSSQLConnConfiguration] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [MSSQLConnConfiguration] -> ShowS
show :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> String
$cshow :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> ShowS
Show, MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool
(MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool)
-> (MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool)
-> Eq MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool
$c/= :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool
== :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool
$c== :: MSSQLConnConfiguration -> MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Bool
Eq, (forall x. MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x)
-> (forall x.
Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x -> MSSQLConnConfiguration)
-> Generic MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall x. Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x -> MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall x. MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x -> MSSQLConnConfiguration
$cfrom :: forall x. MSSQLConnConfiguration -> Rep MSSQLConnConfiguration x
instance Cacheable MSSQLConnConfiguration
instance Hashable MSSQLConnConfiguration
instance NFData MSSQLConnConfiguration
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''MSSQLConnConfiguration)
instance HasCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration where
codec :: JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
codec = Text
-> JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
-> JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall input output.
Text -> ValueCodec input output -> ValueCodec input output
named Text
"MSSQLConnConfiguration" (JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
-> JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration)
-> JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
-> JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ JSONCodec MSSQLConnConfiguration
forall a. (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => JSONCodec a
createMSSQLPool ::
MonadIO m =>
QErrM m =>
MSSQLConnectionInfo ->
Env.Environment ->
m (MSPool.ConnectionString, MSPool.MSSQLPool)
createMSSQLPool :: MSSQLConnectionInfo
-> Environment -> m (ConnectionString, MSSQLPool)
createMSSQLPool (MSSQLConnectionInfo InputConnectionString
iConnString MSSQLPoolSettings {Int
_mpsIdleTimeout :: Int
_mpsMaxConnections :: Int
_mpsIdleTimeout :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
_mpsMaxConnections :: MSSQLPoolSettings -> Int
..}) Environment
env = do
connString <- Environment -> InputConnectionString -> m ConnectionString
forall (m :: * -> *).
QErrM m =>
Environment -> InputConnectionString -> m ConnectionString
resolveInputConnectionString Environment
env InputConnectionString
let connOptions :: ConnectionOptions
connOptions =
ConnectionOptions :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ConnectionOptions
{ _coConnections :: Int
_coConnections = Int
_coStripes :: Int
_coStripes = Int
_coIdleTime :: Int
_coIdleTime = Int -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
pool <- IO MSSQLPool -> m MSSQLPool
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO MSSQLPool -> m MSSQLPool) -> IO MSSQLPool -> m MSSQLPool
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ConnectionString -> ConnectionOptions -> IO MSSQLPool
MSPool.initMSSQLPool ConnectionString
connString ConnectionOptions
(ConnectionString, MSSQLPool) -> m (ConnectionString, MSSQLPool)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (ConnectionString
connString, MSSQLPool
resolveInputConnectionString ::
QErrM m =>
Env.Environment ->
InputConnectionString ->
m MSPool.ConnectionString
resolveInputConnectionString :: Environment -> InputConnectionString -> m ConnectionString
resolveInputConnectionString Environment
env =
(RawString ConnectionString
cs) -> ConnectionString -> m ConnectionString
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ConnectionString
(FromEnvironment Text
envVar) -> Text -> ConnectionString
MSPool.ConnectionString (Text -> ConnectionString) -> m Text -> m ConnectionString
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Environment -> Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *). QErrM m => Environment -> Text -> m Text
getEnv Environment
env Text
getEnv :: QErrM m => Env.Environment -> Text -> m Text
getEnv :: Environment -> Text -> m Text
getEnv Environment
env Text
k = do
let mEnv :: Maybe String
mEnv = Environment -> String -> Maybe String
Env.lookupEnv Environment
env (Text -> String
unpack Text
case Maybe String
mEnv of
Maybe String
Nothing -> Code -> Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. QErrM m => Code -> Text -> m a
throw400 Code
NotFound (Text -> m Text) -> Text -> m Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"environment variable '" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
k Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Text
"' not set"
Just String
envVal -> Text -> m Text
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (String -> Text
pack String
type MSSQLRunTx =
forall m a. (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => MSTx.TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
data MSSQLExecCtx = MSSQLExecCtx
-> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadOnly :: MSSQLRunTx,
-> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadWrite :: MSSQLRunTx,
MSSQLExecCtx -> IO ()
mssqlDestroyConn :: IO ()
mkMSSQLExecCtx :: MSPool.MSSQLPool -> MSSQLExecCtx
mkMSSQLExecCtx :: MSSQLPool -> MSSQLExecCtx
pool =
MSSQLExecCtx :: (forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a)
-> (forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a)
-> IO ()
-> MSSQLExecCtx
{ mssqlRunReadOnly :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadOnly = \TxET QErr m a
tx -> (MSSQLTxError -> QErr)
-> TxET QErr m a -> MSSQLPool -> ExceptT QErr m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
(MSSQLTxError -> e) -> TxET e m a -> MSSQLPool -> ExceptT e m a
MSTx.runTxE MSSQLTxError -> QErr
defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler TxET QErr m a
tx MSSQLPool
mssqlRunReadWrite :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadWrite = \TxET QErr m a
tx -> (MSSQLTxError -> QErr)
-> TxET QErr m a -> MSSQLPool -> ExceptT QErr m a
forall (m :: * -> *) e a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
(MSSQLTxError -> e) -> TxET e m a -> MSSQLPool -> ExceptT e m a
MSTx.runTxE MSSQLTxError -> QErr
defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler TxET QErr m a
tx MSSQLPool
mssqlDestroyConn :: IO ()
mssqlDestroyConn = MSSQLPool -> IO ()
MSPool.drainMSSQLPool MSSQLPool
data MSSQLSourceConfig = MSSQLSourceConfig
{ MSSQLSourceConfig -> ConnectionString
_mscConnectionString :: MSPool.ConnectionString,
MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLExecCtx
_mscExecCtx :: MSSQLExecCtx
deriving ((forall x. MSSQLSourceConfig -> Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x)
-> (forall x. Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x -> MSSQLSourceConfig)
-> Generic MSSQLSourceConfig
forall x. Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x -> MSSQLSourceConfig
forall x. MSSQLSourceConfig -> Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x -> MSSQLSourceConfig
$cfrom :: forall x. MSSQLSourceConfig -> Rep MSSQLSourceConfig x
instance Show MSSQLSourceConfig where
show :: MSSQLSourceConfig -> String
show = ConnectionString -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ConnectionString -> String)
-> (MSSQLSourceConfig -> ConnectionString)
-> MSSQLSourceConfig
-> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. MSSQLSourceConfig -> ConnectionString
instance Eq MSSQLSourceConfig where
MSSQLSourceConfig ConnectionString
connStr1 MSSQLExecCtx
_ == :: MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLSourceConfig -> Bool
== MSSQLSourceConfig ConnectionString
connStr2 MSSQLExecCtx
_ =
connStr1 ConnectionString -> ConnectionString -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== ConnectionString
instance Cacheable MSSQLSourceConfig where
unchanged :: Accesses -> MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLSourceConfig -> Bool
unchanged Accesses
_ = MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLSourceConfig -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
instance ToJSON MSSQLSourceConfig where
toJSON :: MSSQLSourceConfig -> Value
toJSON = ConnectionString -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
toJSON (ConnectionString -> Value)
-> (MSSQLSourceConfig -> ConnectionString)
-> MSSQLSourceConfig
-> Value
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. MSSQLSourceConfig -> ConnectionString
odbcValueToJValue :: ODBC.Value -> J.Value
odbcValueToJValue :: Value -> Value
odbcValueToJValue = \case
ODBC.TextValue Text
t -> Text -> Value
J.String Text
ODBC.ByteStringValue ByteString
b -> Text -> Value
J.String (Text -> Value) -> Text -> Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Text
bsToTxt ByteString
ODBC.BinaryValue Binary
b -> Text -> Value
J.String (Text -> Value) -> Text -> Value
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> Text
bsToTxt (ByteString -> Text) -> ByteString -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Binary -> ByteString
ODBC.unBinary Binary
ODBC.BoolValue Bool
b -> Bool -> Value
J.Bool Bool
ODBC.DoubleValue Double
d -> Double -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON Double
ODBC.FloatValue Float
f -> Float -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON Float
ODBC.IntValue Int
i -> Int -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON Int
ODBC.ByteValue Word8
b -> Word8 -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON Word8
ODBC.DayValue Day
d -> Day -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON Day
ODBC.TimeOfDayValue TimeOfDay
td -> TimeOfDay -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON TimeOfDay
ODBC.LocalTimeValue LocalTime
l -> LocalTime -> Value
forall a. ToJSON a => a -> Value
J.toJSON LocalTime
ODBC.NullValue -> Value
runMSSQLSourceReadTx ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLSourceConfig ->
MSTx.TxET QErr m a ->
m (Either QErr a)
runMSSQLSourceReadTx :: MSSQLSourceConfig -> TxET QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a)
runMSSQLSourceReadTx MSSQLSourceConfig
msc =
ExceptT QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runExceptT (ExceptT QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a))
-> (TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a)
-> TxET QErr m a
-> m (Either QErr a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. MSSQLExecCtx
-> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadOnly (MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLExecCtx
_mscExecCtx MSSQLSourceConfig
runMSSQLSourceWriteTx ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLSourceConfig ->
MSTx.TxET QErr m a ->
m (Either QErr a)
runMSSQLSourceWriteTx :: MSSQLSourceConfig -> TxET QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a)
runMSSQLSourceWriteTx MSSQLSourceConfig
msc =
ExceptT QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a)
forall e (m :: * -> *) a. ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a)
runExceptT (ExceptT QErr m a -> m (Either QErr a))
-> (TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a)
-> TxET QErr m a
-> m (Either QErr a)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. MSSQLExecCtx
-> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
mssqlRunReadWrite (MSSQLSourceConfig -> MSSQLExecCtx
_mscExecCtx MSSQLSourceConfig