Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data TableMetadataObjId
- data SourceMetadataObjId b
- = SMOTable (TableName b)
- | SMOFunction (FunctionName b)
- | SMOFunctionPermission (FunctionName b) RoleName
- | SMOTableObj (TableName b) TableMetadataObjId
- data MetadataObjId
- = MOSource SourceName
- | MOSourceObjId SourceName (AnyBackend SourceMetadataObjId)
- | MORemoteSchema RemoteSchemaName
- | MORemoteSchemaPermissions RemoteSchemaName RoleName
- | MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship RemoteSchemaName Name RelName
- | MOCustomTypes
- | MOAction ActionName
- | MOActionPermission ActionName RoleName
- | MOCronTrigger TriggerName
- | MOInheritedRole RoleName
- | MOEndpoint EndpointName
- | MOHostTlsAllowlist String
- | MOQueryCollectionsQuery CollectionName ListedQuery
- _MOQueryCollectionsQuery :: Prism' MetadataObjId (CollectionName, ListedQuery)
- _MOHostTlsAllowlist :: Prism' MetadataObjId String
- _MOEndpoint :: Prism' MetadataObjId EndpointName
- _MOInheritedRole :: Prism' MetadataObjId RoleName
- _MOCronTrigger :: Prism' MetadataObjId TriggerName
- _MOActionPermission :: Prism' MetadataObjId (ActionName, RoleName)
- _MOAction :: Prism' MetadataObjId ActionName
- _MOCustomTypes :: Prism' MetadataObjId ()
- _MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship :: Prism' MetadataObjId (RemoteSchemaName, Name, RelName)
- _MORemoteSchemaPermissions :: Prism' MetadataObjId (RemoteSchemaName, RoleName)
- _MORemoteSchema :: Prism' MetadataObjId RemoteSchemaName
- _MOSourceObjId :: Prism' MetadataObjId (SourceName, AnyBackend SourceMetadataObjId)
- _MOSource :: Prism' MetadataObjId SourceName
- moiTypeName :: MetadataObjId -> Text
- moiName :: MetadataObjId -> Text
- data MetadataObject = MetadataObject {
- _moId :: MetadataObjId
- _moDefinition :: Value
- moId :: Lens' MetadataObject MetadataObjId
- moDefinition :: Lens' MetadataObject Value
- data InconsistentRoleEntity
- data InconsistentMetadata
- = InconsistentObject Text (Maybe Value) MetadataObject
- | ConflictingObjects Text [MetadataObject]
- | DuplicateObjects MetadataObjId [Value]
- | DuplicateRestVariables Text MetadataObject
- | InvalidRestSegments Text MetadataObject
- | AmbiguousRestEndpoints Text [MetadataObject]
- | ConflictingInheritedPermission RoleName InconsistentRoleEntity
- _ConflictingInheritedPermission :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (RoleName, InconsistentRoleEntity)
- _AmbiguousRestEndpoints :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, [MetadataObject])
- _InvalidRestSegments :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, MetadataObject)
- _DuplicateRestVariables :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, MetadataObject)
- _DuplicateObjects :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (MetadataObjId, [Value])
- _ConflictingObjects :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, [MetadataObject])
- _InconsistentObject :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, Maybe Value, MetadataObject)
- droppableInconsistentMetadata :: InconsistentMetadata -> Bool
- getInconsistentRemoteSchemas :: [InconsistentMetadata] -> [RemoteSchemaName]
- imObjectIds :: InconsistentMetadata -> [MetadataObjId]
- imReason :: InconsistentMetadata -> Text
- groupInconsistentMetadataById :: [InconsistentMetadata] -> HashMap MetadataObjId (NonEmpty InconsistentMetadata)
data TableMetadataObjId Source #
MTORel RelName RelType | |
MTOComputedField ComputedFieldName | |
MTOPerm RoleName PermType | |
MTOTrigger TriggerName | |
MTORemoteRelationship RelName |
data SourceMetadataObjId b Source #
SMOTable (TableName b) | |
SMOFunction (FunctionName b) | |
SMOFunctionPermission (FunctionName b) RoleName | |
SMOTableObj (TableName b) TableMetadataObjId |
data MetadataObjId Source #
MOSource SourceName | |
MOSourceObjId SourceName (AnyBackend SourceMetadataObjId) | |
MORemoteSchema RemoteSchemaName | Originates from user-defined |
MORemoteSchemaPermissions RemoteSchemaName RoleName | |
MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship RemoteSchemaName Name RelName | A remote relationship on a remote schema type, identified by 1. remote schema name 2. remote schema type on which the relationship is defined 3. name of the relationship |
MOCustomTypes | |
MOAction ActionName | |
MOActionPermission ActionName RoleName | |
MOCronTrigger TriggerName | |
MOInheritedRole RoleName | |
MOEndpoint EndpointName | |
MOHostTlsAllowlist String | |
MOQueryCollectionsQuery CollectionName ListedQuery |
_MOQueryCollectionsQuery :: Prism' MetadataObjId (CollectionName, ListedQuery) Source #
_MOHostTlsAllowlist :: Prism' MetadataObjId String Source #
_MOEndpoint :: Prism' MetadataObjId EndpointName Source #
_MOInheritedRole :: Prism' MetadataObjId RoleName Source #
_MOCronTrigger :: Prism' MetadataObjId TriggerName Source #
_MOActionPermission :: Prism' MetadataObjId (ActionName, RoleName) Source #
_MOAction :: Prism' MetadataObjId ActionName Source #
_MOCustomTypes :: Prism' MetadataObjId () Source #
_MORemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship :: Prism' MetadataObjId (RemoteSchemaName, Name, RelName) Source #
_MORemoteSchemaPermissions :: Prism' MetadataObjId (RemoteSchemaName, RoleName) Source #
_MORemoteSchema :: Prism' MetadataObjId RemoteSchemaName Source #
_MOSourceObjId :: Prism' MetadataObjId (SourceName, AnyBackend SourceMetadataObjId) Source #
_MOSource :: Prism' MetadataObjId SourceName Source #
moiTypeName :: MetadataObjId -> Text Source #
moiName :: MetadataObjId -> Text Source #
data MetadataObject Source #
MetadataObject | |
moId :: Lens' MetadataObject MetadataObjId Source #
moDefinition :: Lens' MetadataObject Value Source #
data InconsistentRoleEntity Source #
InconsistentTablePermission | |
| |
InconsistentRemoteSchemaPermission RemoteSchemaName |
data InconsistentMetadata Source #
_ConflictingInheritedPermission :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (RoleName, InconsistentRoleEntity) Source #
_AmbiguousRestEndpoints :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, [MetadataObject]) Source #
_InvalidRestSegments :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, MetadataObject) Source #
_DuplicateRestVariables :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, MetadataObject) Source #
_DuplicateObjects :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (MetadataObjId, [Value]) Source #
_ConflictingObjects :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, [MetadataObject]) Source #
_InconsistentObject :: Prism' InconsistentMetadata (Text, Maybe Value, MetadataObject) Source #
imReason :: InconsistentMetadata -> Text Source #
groupInconsistentMetadataById :: [InconsistentMetadata] -> HashMap MetadataObjId (NonEmpty InconsistentMetadata) Source #
Builds a map from each unique metadata object id to the inconsistencies associated with it. Note that a single inconsistency can involve multiple metadata objects, so the same inconsistency may appear in the resulting map multiple times!