graphql-engine-1.0.0: GraphQL API over Postgres
Safe HaskellNone



This module defines functions that translate from the Postgres IR into Postgres SQL AST.

NOTE: These functions processAnnAggregateSelect, processAnnSimpleSelect, processConnectionSelect, are all mutually recursive.

These functions are generally called from the top level functions in Translate.Select, and the call stack looks like:

SelectSource consists of a prefix, a source, a boolean conditional expression, and info on whether sorting or slicing is done (needed to handle the LIMIT optimisation)


mkSimilarArrayFields :: forall pgKind v. (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), Eq v) => AnnFieldsG ('Postgres pgKind) Void v -> Maybe (NonEmpty (AnnotatedOrderByItemG ('Postgres pgKind) v)) -> SimilarArrayFields Source #