{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}

-- | Mutable references for Prometheus metrics.
-- These metrics are independent from the metrics in "Hasura.Server.Metrics".
module Hasura.Server.Prometheus
  ( PrometheusMetrics (..),
    GraphQLRequestMetrics (..),
    EventTriggerMetrics (..),
    CacheRequestMetrics (..),
    Connections (..),
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics (..),
    SubscriptionMetrics (..),
    DynamicEventTriggerLabel (..),
    ResponseStatus (..),
    EventStatusLabel (..),
    EventStatusWithTriggerLabel (..),
    GranularPrometheusMetricsState (..),
    SubscriptionKindLabel (..),
    SubscriptionLabel (..),
    DynamicSubscriptionLabel (..),

import Data.HashMap.Internal.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol (OperationName (..))
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (SourceName, sourceNameToText)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (TriggerName, triggerNameToTxt)
import Hasura.Server.Types (GranularPrometheusMetricsState (..))
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import System.Metrics.Prometheus (ToLabels (..))
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Counter (Counter)
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Counter qualified as Counter
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.CounterVector (CounterVector)
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.CounterVector qualified as CounterVector
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Gauge (Gauge)
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Gauge qualified as Gauge
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.GaugeVector qualified as GaugeVector
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Histogram (Histogram)
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.Histogram qualified as Histogram
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.HistogramVector (HistogramVector)
import System.Metrics.Prometheus.HistogramVector qualified as HistogramVector


-- | Mutable references for Prometheus metrics.
data PrometheusMetrics = PrometheusMetrics
  { PrometheusMetrics -> ConnectionsGauge
pmConnections :: ConnectionsGauge,
    PrometheusMetrics -> GraphQLRequestMetrics
pmGraphQLRequestMetrics :: GraphQLRequestMetrics,
    PrometheusMetrics -> EventTriggerMetrics
pmEventTriggerMetrics :: EventTriggerMetrics,
    PrometheusMetrics -> Counter
pmWebSocketBytesReceived :: Counter,
    PrometheusMetrics -> Counter
pmWebSocketBytesSent :: Counter,
    PrometheusMetrics -> Counter
pmActionBytesReceived :: Counter,
    PrometheusMetrics -> Counter
pmActionBytesSent :: Counter,
    PrometheusMetrics -> ScheduledTriggerMetrics
pmScheduledTriggerMetrics :: ScheduledTriggerMetrics,
    PrometheusMetrics -> SubscriptionMetrics
pmSubscriptionMetrics :: SubscriptionMetrics,
    PrometheusMetrics -> Histogram
pmWebsocketMsgQueueTimeSeconds :: Histogram,
    PrometheusMetrics -> CacheRequestMetrics
pmCacheRequestMetrics :: CacheRequestMetrics

data GraphQLRequestMetrics = GraphQLRequestMetrics
  { GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsQuerySuccess :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsQueryFailure :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsMutationSuccess :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsMutationFailure :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionSuccess :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionFailure :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Counter
gqlRequestsUnknownFailure :: Counter,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Histogram
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsQuery :: Histogram,
    GraphQLRequestMetrics -> Histogram
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsMutation :: Histogram

data EventTriggerMetrics = EventTriggerMetrics
  { EventTriggerMetrics -> Gauge
eventTriggerHTTPWorkers :: Gauge,
    EventTriggerMetrics -> Gauge
eventsFetchedPerBatch :: Gauge,
-> HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventQueueTimeSeconds :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel),
    EventTriggerMetrics -> Histogram
eventsFetchTimePerBatch :: Histogram,
-> HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventWebhookProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel),
-> HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel),
    EventTriggerMetrics -> Counter
eventTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter,
    EventTriggerMetrics -> Counter
eventTriggerBytesSent :: Counter,
    EventTriggerMetrics -> CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventProcessedTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel,
    EventTriggerMetrics -> CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventInvocationTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel

data ScheduledTriggerMetrics = ScheduledTriggerMetrics
  { ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesSent :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter,
    ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter

data SubscriptionMetrics = SubscriptionMetrics
  { SubscriptionMetrics -> Gauge
submActiveLiveQueryPollers :: Gauge,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollers :: Gauge,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> Gauge
submActiveLiveQueryPollersInError :: Gauge,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollersInError :: Gauge,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submTotalTime :: HistogramVector.HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submDBExecTotalTime :: HistogramVector.HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel,
    SubscriptionMetrics -> GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveSubscriptions :: GaugeVector.GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel

data CacheRequestMetrics = CacheRequestMetrics
  { CacheRequestMetrics -> Counter
crmCacheHits :: Counter,
    CacheRequestMetrics -> Counter
crmCacheMisses :: Counter

-- | Create dummy mutable references without associating them to a metrics
-- store.
makeDummyPrometheusMetrics :: IO PrometheusMetrics
makeDummyPrometheusMetrics :: IO PrometheusMetrics
makeDummyPrometheusMetrics = do
pmConnections <- IO ConnectionsGauge
pmGraphQLRequestMetrics <- IO GraphQLRequestMetrics
pmEventTriggerMetrics <- IO EventTriggerMetrics
pmWebSocketBytesReceived <- IO Counter
pmWebSocketBytesSent <- IO Counter
pmActionBytesReceived <- IO Counter
pmActionBytesSent <- IO Counter
pmScheduledTriggerMetrics <- IO ScheduledTriggerMetrics
pmSubscriptionMetrics <- IO SubscriptionMetrics
pmWebsocketMsgQueueTimeSeconds <- [UpperBound] -> IO Histogram
Histogram.new []
pmCacheRequestMetrics <- IO CacheRequestMetrics
  PrometheusMetrics -> IO PrometheusMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure PrometheusMetrics {Counter
pmConnections :: ConnectionsGauge
pmGraphQLRequestMetrics :: GraphQLRequestMetrics
pmEventTriggerMetrics :: EventTriggerMetrics
pmWebSocketBytesReceived :: Counter
pmWebSocketBytesSent :: Counter
pmActionBytesReceived :: Counter
pmActionBytesSent :: Counter
pmScheduledTriggerMetrics :: ScheduledTriggerMetrics
pmSubscriptionMetrics :: SubscriptionMetrics
pmWebsocketMsgQueueTimeSeconds :: Histogram
pmCacheRequestMetrics :: CacheRequestMetrics
pmConnections :: ConnectionsGauge
pmGraphQLRequestMetrics :: GraphQLRequestMetrics
pmEventTriggerMetrics :: EventTriggerMetrics
pmWebSocketBytesReceived :: Counter
pmWebSocketBytesSent :: Counter
pmActionBytesReceived :: Counter
pmActionBytesSent :: Counter
pmScheduledTriggerMetrics :: ScheduledTriggerMetrics
pmSubscriptionMetrics :: SubscriptionMetrics
pmWebsocketMsgQueueTimeSeconds :: Histogram
pmCacheRequestMetrics :: CacheRequestMetrics

makeDummyGraphQLRequestMetrics :: IO GraphQLRequestMetrics
makeDummyGraphQLRequestMetrics :: IO GraphQLRequestMetrics
makeDummyGraphQLRequestMetrics = do
gqlRequestsQuerySuccess <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsQueryFailure <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsMutationSuccess <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsMutationFailure <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionSuccess <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionFailure <- IO Counter
gqlRequestsUnknownFailure <- IO Counter
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsQuery <- [UpperBound] -> IO Histogram
Histogram.new []
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsMutation <- [UpperBound] -> IO Histogram
Histogram.new []
  GraphQLRequestMetrics -> IO GraphQLRequestMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure GraphQLRequestMetrics {Counter
gqlRequestsQuerySuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsQueryFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsMutationSuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsMutationFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionSuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsUnknownFailure :: Counter
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsQuery :: Histogram
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsMutation :: Histogram
gqlRequestsQuerySuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsQueryFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsMutationSuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsMutationFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionSuccess :: Counter
gqlRequestsSubscriptionFailure :: Counter
gqlRequestsUnknownFailure :: Counter
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsQuery :: Histogram
gqlExecutionTimeSecondsMutation :: Histogram

makeDummyEventTriggerMetrics :: IO EventTriggerMetrics
makeDummyEventTriggerMetrics :: IO EventTriggerMetrics
makeDummyEventTriggerMetrics = do
eventTriggerHTTPWorkers <- IO Gauge
eventsFetchedPerBatch <- IO Gauge
  HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventQueueTimeSeconds <- [UpperBound]
-> IO (HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel))
forall label.
Ord label =>
[UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector label)
HistogramVector.new []
eventsFetchTimePerBatch <- [UpperBound] -> IO Histogram
Histogram.new []
  HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventWebhookProcessingTime <- [UpperBound]
-> IO (HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel))
forall label.
Ord label =>
[UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector label)
HistogramVector.new []
  HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventProcessingTime <- [UpperBound]
-> IO (HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel))
forall label.
Ord label =>
[UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector label)
HistogramVector.new []
eventTriggerBytesReceived <- IO Counter
eventTriggerBytesSent <- IO Counter
  CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventProcessedTotal <- IO (CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel)
forall label. Ord label => IO (CounterVector label)
  CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventInvocationTotal <- IO (CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel)
forall label. Ord label => IO (CounterVector label)
  EventTriggerMetrics -> IO EventTriggerMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure EventTriggerMetrics {Counter
CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventTriggerHTTPWorkers :: Gauge
eventsFetchedPerBatch :: Gauge
eventQueueTimeSeconds :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventsFetchTimePerBatch :: Histogram
eventWebhookProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter
eventTriggerBytesSent :: Counter
eventProcessedTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventInvocationTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventTriggerHTTPWorkers :: Gauge
eventsFetchedPerBatch :: Gauge
eventQueueTimeSeconds :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventsFetchTimePerBatch :: Histogram
eventWebhookProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventProcessingTime :: HistogramVector (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
eventTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter
eventTriggerBytesSent :: Counter
eventProcessedTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
eventInvocationTotal :: CounterVector EventStatusWithTriggerLabel

makeDummyScheduledTriggerMetrics :: IO ScheduledTriggerMetrics
makeDummyScheduledTriggerMetrics :: IO ScheduledTriggerMetrics
makeDummyScheduledTriggerMetrics = do
stmScheduledTriggerBytesReceived <- IO Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesSent <- IO Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalSuccess <- IO Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalFailure <- IO Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalSuccess <- IO Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalFailure <- IO Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalSuccess <- IO Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalFailure <- IO Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalSuccess <- IO Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalFailure <- IO Counter
  ScheduledTriggerMetrics -> IO ScheduledTriggerMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ScheduledTriggerMetrics {Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesSent :: Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesReceived :: Counter
stmScheduledTriggerBytesSent :: Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmCronEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsInvocationTotalFailure :: Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmCronEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalSuccess :: Counter
stmOneOffEventsProcessedTotalFailure :: Counter

makeDummySubscriptionMetrics :: IO SubscriptionMetrics
makeDummySubscriptionMetrics :: IO SubscriptionMetrics
makeDummySubscriptionMetrics = do
submActiveLiveQueryPollers <- IO Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollers <- IO Gauge
submActiveLiveQueryPollersInError <- IO Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollersInError <- IO Gauge
  HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submTotalTime <- [UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel)
forall label.
Ord label =>
[UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector label)
HistogramVector.new []
  HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submDBExecTotalTime <- [UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel)
forall label.
Ord label =>
[UpperBound] -> IO (HistogramVector label)
HistogramVector.new []
  GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveSubscriptions <- IO (GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel)
forall label. Ord label => IO (GaugeVector label)
  SubscriptionMetrics -> IO SubscriptionMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure SubscriptionMetrics {Gauge
GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel
HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveLiveQueryPollers :: Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollers :: Gauge
submActiveLiveQueryPollersInError :: Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollersInError :: Gauge
submTotalTime :: HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submDBExecTotalTime :: HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveSubscriptions :: GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveLiveQueryPollers :: Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollers :: Gauge
submActiveLiveQueryPollersInError :: Gauge
submActiveStreamingPollersInError :: Gauge
submTotalTime :: HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submDBExecTotalTime :: HistogramVector SubscriptionLabel
submActiveSubscriptions :: GaugeVector SubscriptionLabel

makeDummyCacheRequestMetrics :: IO CacheRequestMetrics
makeDummyCacheRequestMetrics :: IO CacheRequestMetrics
makeDummyCacheRequestMetrics = do
crmCacheHits <- IO Counter
crmCacheMisses <- IO Counter
  CacheRequestMetrics -> IO CacheRequestMetrics
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure CacheRequestMetrics {Counter
crmCacheHits :: Counter
crmCacheMisses :: Counter
crmCacheHits :: Counter
crmCacheMisses :: Counter


-- | A mutable reference for atomically sampling the number of websocket
-- connections and number of threads forked by the warp webserver.
-- Because we derive the number of (non-websocket) HTTP connections by the
-- difference of these two metrics, we must sample them simultaneously,
-- otherwise we might report a negative number of HTTP connections.
newtype ConnectionsGauge = ConnectionsGauge (IORef Connections)

data Connections = Connections
  { Connections -> Int64
connWarpThreads :: Int64,
    Connections -> Int64
connWebsockets :: Int64

newConnectionsGauge :: IO ConnectionsGauge
newConnectionsGauge :: IO ConnectionsGauge
newConnectionsGauge =
  IORef Connections -> ConnectionsGauge
    (IORef Connections -> ConnectionsGauge)
-> IO (IORef Connections) -> IO ConnectionsGauge
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Connections -> IO (IORef Connections)
forall a. a -> IO (IORef a)
newIORef Connections {connWarpThreads :: Int64
connWarpThreads = Int64
0, connWebsockets :: Int64
connWebsockets = Int64

readConnectionsGauge :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO Connections
readConnectionsGauge :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO Connections
readConnectionsGauge (ConnectionsGauge IORef Connections
ref) = IORef Connections -> IO Connections
forall a. IORef a -> IO a
readIORef IORef Connections

incWarpThreads :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
incWarpThreads :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
incWarpThreads =
  (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge ((Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ())
-> (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Connections
connections ->
connections {connWarpThreads :: Int64
connWarpThreads = Connections -> Int64
connWarpThreads Connections
connections Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int64

decWarpThreads :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
decWarpThreads :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
decWarpThreads =
  (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge ((Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ())
-> (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Connections
connections ->
connections {connWarpThreads :: Int64
connWarpThreads = Connections -> Int64
connWarpThreads Connections
connections Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int64

incWebsocketConnections :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
incWebsocketConnections :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
incWebsocketConnections =
  (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge ((Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ())
-> (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Connections
connections ->
connections {connWebsockets :: Int64
connWebsockets = Connections -> Int64
connWebsockets Connections
connections Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Int64

decWebsocketConnections :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
decWebsocketConnections :: ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
decWebsocketConnections =
  (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge ((Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ())
-> (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Connections
connections ->
connections {connWebsockets :: Int64
connWebsockets = Connections -> Int64
connWebsockets Connections
connections Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Int64

modifyConnectionsGauge ::
  (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge :: (Connections -> Connections) -> ConnectionsGauge -> IO ()
modifyConnectionsGauge Connections -> Connections
f (ConnectionsGauge IORef Connections
ref) =
  IORef Connections -> (Connections -> (Connections, ())) -> IO ()
forall a b. IORef a -> (a -> (a, b)) -> IO b
atomicModifyIORef' IORef Connections
ref ((Connections -> (Connections, ())) -> IO ())
-> (Connections -> (Connections, ())) -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Connections
connections -> (Connections -> Connections
f Connections
connections, ())

data DynamicEventTriggerLabel = DynamicEventTriggerLabel
  { DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> TriggerName
_detlTriggerName :: TriggerName,
    DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> SourceName
_detlSourceName :: SourceName
  deriving (Eq DynamicEventTriggerLabel
Eq DynamicEventTriggerLabel
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel
    -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Ordering)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel
    -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel
    -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel)
-> Ord DynamicEventTriggerLabel
DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Ordering
-> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Ordering
compare :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
< :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
<= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c> :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
> :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
>= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel
-> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel
max :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel
-> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel
$cmin :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel
-> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel
min :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel
-> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel
Ord, DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
(DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq DynamicEventTriggerLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
== :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool
/= :: DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> Bool

instance ToLabels (Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel) where
  toLabels :: Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel
Nothing = HashMap Text Text
forall k v. HashMap k v
  toLabels (Just (DynamicEventTriggerLabel TriggerName
triggerName SourceName
sourceName)) = [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
Map.fromList ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text)
-> [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(Text
"trigger_name", TriggerName -> Text
triggerNameToTxt TriggerName
triggerName), (Text
"source_name", SourceName -> Text
sourceNameToText SourceName

data ResponseStatus = Success | Failed

-- TODO: Make this a method of a new typeclass of the metrics library
responseStatusToLabelValue :: ResponseStatus -> Text
responseStatusToLabelValue :: ResponseStatus -> Text
responseStatusToLabelValue = \case
Success -> Text
Failed -> Text

newtype EventStatusLabel = EventStatusLabel
  { EventStatusLabel -> Text
status :: Text
  deriving stock ((forall x. EventStatusLabel -> Rep EventStatusLabel x)
-> (forall x. Rep EventStatusLabel x -> EventStatusLabel)
-> Generic EventStatusLabel
forall x. Rep EventStatusLabel x -> EventStatusLabel
forall x. EventStatusLabel -> Rep EventStatusLabel x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. EventStatusLabel -> Rep EventStatusLabel x
from :: forall x. EventStatusLabel -> Rep EventStatusLabel x
$cto :: forall x. Rep EventStatusLabel x -> EventStatusLabel
to :: forall x. Rep EventStatusLabel x -> EventStatusLabel
Generic, Eq EventStatusLabel
Eq EventStatusLabel
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Ordering)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel)
-> Ord EventStatusLabel
EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Ordering
EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Ordering
compare :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
< :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
<= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
$c> :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
> :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
>= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel
max :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel
$cmin :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel
min :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel
Ord, EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
(EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq EventStatusLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
== :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
/= :: EventStatusLabel -> EventStatusLabel -> Bool
  deriving anyclass (EventStatusLabel -> HashMap Text Text
(EventStatusLabel -> HashMap Text Text)
-> ToLabels EventStatusLabel
forall a. (a -> HashMap Text Text) -> ToLabels a
$ctoLabels :: EventStatusLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels :: EventStatusLabel -> HashMap Text Text

eventSuccessLabel :: EventStatusLabel
eventSuccessLabel :: EventStatusLabel
eventSuccessLabel = Text -> EventStatusLabel
EventStatusLabel (Text -> EventStatusLabel) -> Text -> EventStatusLabel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ResponseStatus -> Text
responseStatusToLabelValue ResponseStatus

eventFailedLabel :: EventStatusLabel
eventFailedLabel :: EventStatusLabel
eventFailedLabel = Text -> EventStatusLabel
EventStatusLabel (Text -> EventStatusLabel) -> Text -> EventStatusLabel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ResponseStatus -> Text
responseStatusToLabelValue ResponseStatus

data EventStatusWithTriggerLabel = EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
  { EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusLabel
_eswtlStatus :: EventStatusLabel,
    EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel
_eswtlDynamicLabels :: Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel
  deriving stock ((forall x.
 EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel)
-> Generic EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
forall x.
Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
forall x.
EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x.
EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x
from :: forall x.
EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x
$cto :: forall x.
Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
to :: forall x.
Rep EventStatusWithTriggerLabel x -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
Generic, Eq EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
Eq EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Ordering)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel)
-> Ord EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Ordering
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Ordering
compare :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
< :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
<= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c> :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
> :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
>= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
max :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
$cmin :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
min :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
-> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
Ord, EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
 -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
    -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq EventStatusWithTriggerLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
== :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool
/= :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> Bool

instance ToLabels (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel) where
  toLabels :: EventStatusWithTriggerLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels (EventStatusWithTriggerLabel EventStatusLabel
esl Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel
tl) = ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
HashMap.fromList ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text)
-> [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(Text
"status", EventStatusLabel -> Text
status EventStatusLabel
esl)]) HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel -> HashMap Text Text
forall a. ToLabels a => a -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels Maybe DynamicEventTriggerLabel

data SubscriptionKindLabel = SubscriptionKindLabel
  { SubscriptionKindLabel -> Text
subscription_kind :: Text
  deriving stock ((forall x. SubscriptionKindLabel -> Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x)
-> (forall x. Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x -> SubscriptionKindLabel)
-> Generic SubscriptionKindLabel
forall x. Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x -> SubscriptionKindLabel
forall x. SubscriptionKindLabel -> Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. SubscriptionKindLabel -> Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x
from :: forall x. SubscriptionKindLabel -> Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x
$cto :: forall x. Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x -> SubscriptionKindLabel
to :: forall x. Rep SubscriptionKindLabel x -> SubscriptionKindLabel
Generic, Eq SubscriptionKindLabel
Eq SubscriptionKindLabel
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Ordering)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel
    -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel
    -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel)
-> Ord SubscriptionKindLabel
SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Ordering
-> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Ordering
compare :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
< :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
<= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
$c> :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
> :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
>= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: SubscriptionKindLabel
-> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
max :: SubscriptionKindLabel
-> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
$cmin :: SubscriptionKindLabel
-> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
min :: SubscriptionKindLabel
-> SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
Ord, SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
(SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq SubscriptionKindLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
== :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
/= :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel -> Bool
  deriving anyclass (SubscriptionKindLabel -> HashMap Text Text
(SubscriptionKindLabel -> HashMap Text Text)
-> ToLabels SubscriptionKindLabel
forall a. (a -> HashMap Text Text) -> ToLabels a
$ctoLabels :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels :: SubscriptionKindLabel -> HashMap Text Text

streamingSubscriptionLabel :: SubscriptionKindLabel
streamingSubscriptionLabel :: SubscriptionKindLabel
streamingSubscriptionLabel = Text -> SubscriptionKindLabel
SubscriptionKindLabel Text

liveQuerySubscriptionLabel :: SubscriptionKindLabel
liveQuerySubscriptionLabel :: SubscriptionKindLabel
liveQuerySubscriptionLabel = Text -> SubscriptionKindLabel
SubscriptionKindLabel Text

data DynamicSubscriptionLabel = DynamicSubscriptionLabel
  { DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> ParameterizedQueryHash
_dslParamQueryHash :: ParameterizedQueryHash,
    DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe OperationName
_dslOperationName :: Maybe OperationName
  deriving stock ((forall x.
 DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x)
-> (forall x.
    Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel)
-> Generic DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall x.
Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall x.
DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x.
DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x
from :: forall x.
DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x
$cto :: forall x.
Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
to :: forall x.
Rep DynamicSubscriptionLabel x -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
Generic, Eq DynamicSubscriptionLabel
Eq DynamicSubscriptionLabel
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel
    -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Ordering)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel
    -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel
    -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel)
-> Ord DynamicSubscriptionLabel
DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
compare :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
< :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
<= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c> :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
> :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
>= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
max :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
$cmin :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
min :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
Ord, DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
(DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
== :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool
/= :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Bool

instance ToLabels DynamicSubscriptionLabel where
  toLabels :: DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels (DynamicSubscriptionLabel ParameterizedQueryHash
hash Maybe OperationName
opName) =
    [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
      ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text)
-> [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(Text
"parameterized_query_hash", ByteString -> Text
bsToTxt (ByteString -> Text) -> ByteString -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ParameterizedQueryHash -> ByteString
unParamQueryHash ParameterizedQueryHash
      [(Text, Text)] -> [(Text, Text)] -> [(Text, Text)]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> [(Text, Text)]
-> (OperationName -> [(Text, Text)])
-> Maybe OperationName
-> [(Text, Text)]
forall b a. b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe [] (\OperationName
op -> [(Text
"operation_name", Name -> Text
G.unName (Name -> Text) -> Name -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ OperationName -> Name
_unOperationName OperationName
op)]) Maybe OperationName

data SubscriptionLabel = SubscriptionLabel
  { SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionKindLabel
_slKind :: SubscriptionKindLabel,
    SubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
_slDynamicLabels :: Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
  deriving stock ((forall x. SubscriptionLabel -> Rep SubscriptionLabel x)
-> (forall x. Rep SubscriptionLabel x -> SubscriptionLabel)
-> Generic SubscriptionLabel
forall x. Rep SubscriptionLabel x -> SubscriptionLabel
forall x. SubscriptionLabel -> Rep SubscriptionLabel x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. SubscriptionLabel -> Rep SubscriptionLabel x
from :: forall x. SubscriptionLabel -> Rep SubscriptionLabel x
$cto :: forall x. Rep SubscriptionLabel x -> SubscriptionLabel
to :: forall x. Rep SubscriptionLabel x -> SubscriptionLabel
Generic, Eq SubscriptionLabel
Eq SubscriptionLabel
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Ordering)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel)
-> Ord SubscriptionLabel
SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
forall a.
Eq a
-> (a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
$ccompare :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
compare :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Ordering
$c< :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
< :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c<= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
<= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c> :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
> :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c>= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
>= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$cmax :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
max :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
$cmin :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
min :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
Ord, SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
(SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool)
-> Eq SubscriptionLabel
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
$c== :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
== :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
$c/= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool
/= :: SubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel -> Bool

instance ToLabels SubscriptionLabel where
  toLabels :: SubscriptionLabel -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels (SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
kind Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
Nothing) = [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
Map.fromList ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text)
-> [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(Text
"subscription_kind", SubscriptionKindLabel -> Text
subscription_kind SubscriptionKindLabel
  toLabels (SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
kind (Just DynamicSubscriptionLabel
dl)) = ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall k v. (Eq k, Hashable k) => [(k, v)] -> HashMap k v
Map.fromList ([(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text)
-> [(Text, Text)] -> HashMap Text Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [(Text
"subscription_kind", SubscriptionKindLabel -> Text
subscription_kind SubscriptionKindLabel
kind)]) HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text -> HashMap Text Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> HashMap Text Text
forall a. ToLabels a => a -> HashMap Text Text
toLabels DynamicSubscriptionLabel

-- | Record metrics with dynamic label
recordMetricWithLabel ::
  (MonadIO m) =>
  (IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState) ->
  -- should the metric be observed without a label when granularMetricsState is OFF
  Bool ->
  -- the action to perform when granularMetricsState is ON
  IO () ->
  -- the action to perform when granularMetricsState is OFF
  IO () ->
  m ()
recordMetricWithLabel :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
recordMetricWithLabel IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
getMetricState Bool
alwaysObserve IO ()
metricActionWithLabel IO ()
metricActionWithoutLabel = do
metricState <- IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
-> m GranularPrometheusMetricsState
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
 -> m GranularPrometheusMetricsState)
-> IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
-> m GranularPrometheusMetricsState
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
  case GranularPrometheusMetricsState
metricState of
GranularMetricsOn -> IO () -> m ()
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO ()
    -- Some metrics do not make sense without a dynamic label, hence only record the
    -- metric when alwaysObserve is set to true else do not record the metric
GranularMetricsOff -> do
      Bool -> m () -> m ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when Bool
        (m () -> m ()) -> m () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO () -> m ()
forall a. IO a -> m a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
        (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO ()

-- | Observe a histogram metric with a label.
-- If the granularity is set to 'GranularMetricsOn', the label will be
-- included in the metric. Otherwise, the label will be set to `Nothing`
observeHistogramWithLabel ::
  (Ord l, MonadIO m) =>
  (IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState) ->
  -- should the metric be observed without a label when granularMetricsState is OFF
  Bool ->
  HistogramVector (Maybe l) ->
  l ->
  Double ->
  m ()
observeHistogramWithLabel :: forall l (m :: * -> *).
(Ord l, MonadIO m) =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
-> Bool -> HistogramVector (Maybe l) -> l -> UpperBound -> m ()
observeHistogramWithLabel IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
getMetricState Bool
alwaysObserve HistogramVector (Maybe l)
histogramVector l
label UpperBound
value = do
  IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
    IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
    (IO () -> IO ()
forall a. IO a -> IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HistogramVector (Maybe l) -> Maybe l -> UpperBound -> IO ()
forall label.
Ord label =>
HistogramVector label -> label -> UpperBound -> IO ()
HistogramVector.observe HistogramVector (Maybe l)
histogramVector (l -> Maybe l
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just l
label) UpperBound
    (IO () -> IO ()
forall a. IO a -> IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HistogramVector (Maybe l) -> Maybe l -> UpperBound -> IO ()
forall label.
Ord label =>
HistogramVector label -> label -> UpperBound -> IO ()
HistogramVector.observe HistogramVector (Maybe l)
histogramVector Maybe l
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing UpperBound

-- | Record a subscription metric for all the operation names present in the subscription.
-- Use this when you want to update the same value of the metric for all the operation names.
recordSubcriptionMetric ::
  (MonadIO m) =>
  (IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState) ->
  -- should the metric be observed without a label when granularMetricsState is OFF
  Bool ->
  HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int ->
  ParameterizedQueryHash ->
  SubscriptionKindLabel ->
  -- the mertic action to perform
  (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()) ->
  m ()
recordSubcriptionMetric :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
-> Bool
-> HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int
-> ParameterizedQueryHash
-> SubscriptionKindLabel
-> (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ())
-> m ()
recordSubcriptionMetric IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
getMetricState Bool
alwaysObserve HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int
operationNamesMap ParameterizedQueryHash
parameterizedQueryHash SubscriptionKindLabel
subscriptionKind SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()
metricAction = do
  -- if no operation names are present, then emit metric with only param query hash as dynamic label
  if (HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int -> Bool
forall a. HashMap (Maybe OperationName) a -> Bool
forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Bool
null HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int
    then do
      let promMetricGranularLabel :: SubscriptionLabel
promMetricGranularLabel = SubscriptionKindLabel
-> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
subscriptionKind (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel)
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ParameterizedQueryHash
-> Maybe OperationName -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
DynamicSubscriptionLabel ParameterizedQueryHash
parameterizedQueryHash Maybe OperationName
forall a. Maybe a
          promMetricLabel :: SubscriptionLabel
promMetricLabel = SubscriptionKindLabel
-> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
subscriptionKind Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a. Maybe a
      IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
        IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
        (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()
metricAction SubscriptionLabel
        (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()
metricAction SubscriptionLabel
    else -- if operationNames are present, then emit the same metric for all the operation names
      let operationNames :: [Maybe OperationName]
operationNames = HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int -> [Maybe OperationName]
forall k v. HashMap k v -> [k]
HashMap.keys HashMap (Maybe OperationName) Int
      [Maybe OperationName] -> (Maybe OperationName -> m ()) -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Foldable t, Applicative f) =>
t a -> (a -> f b) -> f ()
for_ [Maybe OperationName]
operationNames ((Maybe OperationName -> m ()) -> m ())
-> (Maybe OperationName -> m ()) -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Maybe OperationName
opName -> do
        let promMetricGranularLabel :: SubscriptionLabel
promMetricGranularLabel = SubscriptionKindLabel
-> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
subscriptionKind (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel)
-> DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ParameterizedQueryHash
-> Maybe OperationName -> DynamicSubscriptionLabel
DynamicSubscriptionLabel ParameterizedQueryHash
parameterizedQueryHash Maybe OperationName
            promMetricLabel :: SubscriptionLabel
promMetricLabel = SubscriptionKindLabel
-> Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel -> SubscriptionLabel
SubscriptionLabel SubscriptionKindLabel
subscriptionKind Maybe DynamicSubscriptionLabel
forall a. Maybe a
        IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState -> Bool -> IO () -> IO () -> m ()
          IO GranularPrometheusMetricsState
          (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()
metricAction SubscriptionLabel
          (SubscriptionLabel -> IO ()
metricAction SubscriptionLabel