{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Method
  ( -- * Method transformations
    Method (..),
    TransformFn (..),
    TransformCtx (..),
    MethodTransformFn (..),


import Data.Validation
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Class
  ( TemplatingEngine,
    Transform (..),
    TransformErrorBundle (..),
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Request (RequestTransformCtx)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Webhook.Transform.Method (Method (..), MethodTransformFn (..), TransformCtx (..), TransformFn (..))


instance Transform Method where
  -- NOTE: GHC does not let us attach Haddock documentation to typeclass
  -- method implementations, so 'applyMethodTransformFn' is defined
  -- separately.
  transform :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
TransformFn Method -> TransformCtx Method -> Method -> m Method
transform (MethodTransformFn_ MethodTransformFn
fn) (TransformCtx RequestTransformCtx
reqCtx) = MethodTransformFn -> RequestTransformCtx -> Method -> m Method
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
MethodTransformFn -> RequestTransformCtx -> Method -> m Method
applyMethodTransformFn MethodTransformFn
fn RequestTransformCtx

  -- NOTE: GHC does not let us attach Haddock documentation to typeclass
  -- method implementations, so 'validateMethodTransformFn' is defined
  -- separately.
  validate :: TemplatingEngine
-> TransformFn Method -> Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
validate TemplatingEngine
engine (MethodTransformFn_ MethodTransformFn
fn) = TemplatingEngine
-> MethodTransformFn -> Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
validateMethodTransformFn TemplatingEngine
engine MethodTransformFn

-- | Provide an implementation for the transformations defined by
-- 'MethodTransformFn'.
-- If one views 'MethodTransformFn' as an interface describing HTTP method
-- transformations, this can be seen as an implementation of these
-- transformations as normal Haskell functions.
applyMethodTransformFn ::
  (MonadError TransformErrorBundle m) =>
  MethodTransformFn ->
  RequestTransformCtx ->
  Method ->
  m Method
applyMethodTransformFn :: forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadError TransformErrorBundle m =>
MethodTransformFn -> RequestTransformCtx -> Method -> m Method
applyMethodTransformFn MethodTransformFn
fn RequestTransformCtx
_context Method
_oldMethod = case MethodTransformFn
fn of
  Replace Method
newMethod -> Method -> m Method
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure Method

-- | Validate that the provided 'MethodTransformFn' is correct in the context
-- of a particular 'TemplatingEngine'.
-- This is a product of the fact that the correctness of a given transformation
-- may be dependent on zero, one, or more of the templated transformations
-- encoded within the given 'MethodTransformFn'.
-- XXX: Do we want to validate the HTTP method verb?
validateMethodTransformFn ::
  TemplatingEngine ->
  MethodTransformFn ->
  Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
validateMethodTransformFn :: TemplatingEngine
-> MethodTransformFn -> Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
validateMethodTransformFn TemplatingEngine
_engine = \case
  Replace Method
_method -> () -> Validation TransformErrorBundle ()
forall a. a -> Validation TransformErrorBundle a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()