graphql-engine-1.0.0: GraphQL API over Postgres
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



How to construct and execute a call to a remote schema for a remote join.

There are three steps required to do this: 1. construct the call: given the requested fields, the phantom fields, the values extracted by the LHS, construct a GraphQL query 2. execute that GraphQL query over the network 3. build a index of the variables out of the response

This can be done as one function, but we also export the individual steps for debugging / test purposes. We congregate all intermediary state in the opaque RemoteSchemaCall type.



makeRemoteSchemaJoinCall Source #


:: (MonadError QErr m, MonadTrace m, MonadIO m) 
=> (GQLReqOutgoing -> m ByteString)

Function to send a request over the network.

-> UserInfo

User information.

-> RemoteSchemaJoin

Information about that remote join.

-> FieldName

Name of the field from the join arguments.

-> IntMap JoinArgument

Mapping from JoinArgumentId to its corresponding JoinArgument.

-> m (Maybe (IntMap Value))

The resulting join index (see buildJoinIndex) if any.

Construct and execute a call to a remote schema for a remote join.

data RemoteSchemaCall Source #

Intermediate type containing all of the information required to perform a remote schema call, constructed from the static join information.

buildRemoteSchemaCall :: MonadError QErr m => RemoteSchemaJoin -> IntMap JoinArgument -> UserInfo -> m (Maybe RemoteSchemaCall) Source #

Constructs a RemoteSchemaCall from some static information, such as the definition of the join, and dynamic information such as the user's information and the map of join arguments.

executeRemoteSchemaCall Source #


:: MonadError QErr m 
=> (GQLReqOutgoing -> m ByteString)

Function to send a request over the network.

-> RemoteSchemaCall

Information about that call.

-> m Object

Resulting JSON object

Sends the call over the network, and parse the resulting ByteString.

buildJoinIndex :: forall m. MonadError QErr m => RemoteSchemaCall -> Object -> m (IntMap Value) Source #

Construct a join index from the remote source's Value response.

This function extracts from the RemoteJoinCall a mapping from JoinArgumentId to ResponsePath: from an integer that uniquely identifies a join argument to the "path" at which we expect that value in the response. With it, and with the actual reponse JSON value obtained from the remote server, it constructs a corresponding mapping of, for each argument, its extracted value.

If the response does not have value at any of the provided ResponsePaths, throw a generic QErr.

NOTE(jkachmar): If we switch to an Applicative validator, we can collect more than one missing ResponsePaths (rather than short-circuiting on the first missing value).