graphql-engine-1.0.0: GraphQL API over Postgres
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




saveLockedEvents :: MonadIO m => [EventId] -> TVar (Set EventId) -> m () Source #

After the events are fetched from the DB, we store the locked events in a hash set(order doesn't matter and look ups are faster) in the event engine context

removeEventFromLockedEvents :: MonadIO m => EventId -> TVar (Set EventId) -> m () Source #

Remove an event from the LockedEventsCtx after it has been processed

generateScheduleTimes :: UTCTime -> Int -> CronSchedule -> [UTCTime] Source #

Generates next n events starting from according to CronSchedule

cleanupSchedulesToBeGenerated :: Int Source #

number of cleanup schedules to be generated in one iteration