
This note is in Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger.

Scheduled event lifecycle

Scheduled events move between six different states over the course of their lifetime, as represented by the following flowchart:

┌───────────┐      ┌────────┐      ┌───────────┐
│ scheduled │─(1)─→│ locked │─(2)─→│ delivered │
└───────────┘      └────────┘      └───────────┘
        ↑              │           ┌───────┐
        └────(3)───────┼─────(4)──→│ error │
                       │           └───────┘
                       │           ┌──────┐
                       └─────(5)──→│ dead │

When a scheduled event is first created, it starts in the ‘scheduled’ state, and it can transition to other states in the following ways:

  1. When graphql-engine fetches a scheduled event from the database to process it, it sets its state to ‘locked’. This prevents multiple graphql-engine instances running on the same database from processing the same scheduled event concurrently.
  2. When a scheduled event is processed successfully, it is marked ‘delivered’.
  3. If a scheduled event fails to be processed, but it hasn’t yet reached its maximum retry limit, its retry counter is incremented and it is returned to the ‘scheduled’ state.
  4. If a scheduled event fails to be processed and has reached its retry limit, its state is set to ‘error’.
  5. If for whatever reason the difference between the current time and the scheduled time is greater than the tolerance of the scheduled event, it will not be processed and its state will be set to ‘dead’.