
This note is in Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Permission.

Remote Schema Permissions Architecture

The Remote schema permissions feature is designed in the following way:

  1. An user can configure remote schema permissions for a particular role using the add_remote_schema_permissions API, note that this API will only work when remote schema permissions are enabled while starting the graphql-engine, which can be done either by the setting the server flag --enable-remote-schema-permissions or the env variable HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_REMOTE_SCHEMA_PERMISSIONS to true. Check the module documentation of Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema.Permission (this module) for more details about how the add_remote_schema_permissions API works.
  2. The given schema document is parsed into an IntrospectionResult object,
  3. The schema is built with the IntrospectionResult parsed in #2 for the said role. Check out the documentation in argumentsParser to know more about how the presets are handled.
  4. For a remote schema query, the schema will return a RemoteField which contains unresolved session variables, the RemoteField is resolved using the resolveRemoteField function. The resolveRemoteVariable function contains more details about how the RemoteVariable is resolved.
  5. After resolving the remote field, the remote server is queried with the resolved remote field.