
This note is in Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin.Collect.

Remote Joins Architecture

Unparsed Incoming GraphQL   +------------------------------+
--------------------------> | Parsing of the GraphQL query |-----+
                            +------------------------------+     |
                                                                 | DB Query and remote joins (if any)
+----------------------------------+  SQL query response  +----------------------------+
|  Traverse the DB response to     | <------------------- |  Execution of the DB query |
|  get the values of the arguments |                      +----------------------------+
|   of the remote field            |
             | Remote field arguments
+--------------------------+  Remote schema response   +----------------------------------------+
| Query the remote schema  | ------------------------> | Replace the remote join fields in      |
| with the remote field    |                           | the SQL query response (JSON) with     |
| arguments to the remote  |                           | the response obtained from the remote  |
| field configured in the  |                           | schema at appropriate places.          |
| remote join.             |                           +----------------------------------------+