
This note is in Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Node. It is referenced at:

Relay Node Id

Relay API

The ‘Node’ interface in the Relay API schema has exactly one field, which returns a non-null ‘ID’ value. In a backend that supports the Relay API, each table’s corresponding GraphQL object implements that interface, and provides an @id@ field that uniuqely identifies each row of the table. See for more details.

To uniquely identify a given row in a given table, we use two different pieces of information:

Both V1 and V2 (of this particular API, not of the engine, see ‘NodeIdVersion’) use the same data to uniquely identify the row within the table: a list of values that map to the table’s primary keys, in order. Where they differentiate is on how they identify the table within the schema:

For now, we still only emit and accept V1 ids: switching to emitting V2 node ids will be a breaking change that will we do soon. We will continue to accept V1 node ids after that change, meaning we still to resolve them; in practice, that means iterating over all the Postgres sources, until we find one that has a table with the given name. If we find more than one, then we fail, to avoid having to pick a random one (and potentially silently return wrong results.)

Id format

All the required information is encoded into a unique node id using the following pipeline:

values <-> JSON array <-> bytestring <-> base64 string

In v1, the content of the JSON array was:

[ 1         -- JSON number: version number
, "public"  -- JSON string: Postgres schema name
, "foo"     -- JSON string: Postgres table name
, ...       -- arbitrary JSON values: values for each primary key, in order

As of v2, the content of the JSON array is as follows:

[ 2                    -- JSON number: version number
, "default"            -- JSON string: source name
, "postgres"           -- JSON string: backend type
, { "schema: "public"  -- arbitrary JSON value: table name in that backend
  , "name": "foo"
, ...                  -- arbitrary JSON values: values for each primary key, in order

Encoding and decoding

The encoding of a given row’s id is performed in each backend’s translation layer, as crafting the row’s id requires extracting information out of the database (the primary key values). Selecting the ‘id’ field of a compatible table will yield an ‘AFNodeId’ field in the IR (see Hasura.RQL.IR.Select), that each compatible backend will then interpret appropriately.

Decoding, however, does not require introspecting the database, and is performed at parsing time, so that we can select the corresponing table row. See ‘nodeField’ in ‘Relay.hs’ for more information.