
This note is in Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache. It is referenced at:

Avoiding GraphQL schema rebuilds when changing irrelevant Metadata

There are many Metadata operations that don’t influence the GraphQL schema. So we should be caching its construction.

The Hasura.Incremental framework allows us to cache such constructions: whenever we have an arrow Rule m a b, where a is the input to the arrow and b the output, we can use the Inc.cache combinator to obtain a new arrow which is only re-executed when the input a changes in a material way. To test this, a needs an Eq instance.

We can’t simply apply Inc.cache to the GraphQL schema cache building phase (buildGQLContext), because the inputs (components of BuildOutputs such as SourceCache) don’t have an Eq instance.

So the purpose of buildOutputsAndSchema is that we cach already at an earlier point, encompassing more computation. The Metadata and invalidation keys (which have Eq instances) are used as a caching key, and Inc.cache can be applied to the whole sequence of steps.

But because of the all-or-nothing nature of caching, it’s important that buildOutputsAndSchema is re-run as little as possible. So the exercise becomes to minimize the amount of stuff stored in BuildOutputs, so that as many Metadata operations as possible can be handled outside of this codepath that produces a GraphQL schema.