Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- remoteRelationshipField :: SourceCache -> RemoteSchemaMap -> RemoteSchemaPermissions -> RemoteRelationshipParserBuilder
- remoteRelationshipToSchemaField :: forall r m n lhsJoinField. MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n => RemoteSchemaMap -> RemoteSchemaPermissions -> HashMap FieldName lhsJoinField -> RemoteSchemaFieldInfo -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (RemoteSchemaSelect (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue))))
- lookupNestedFieldType' :: (MonadMemoize m, MonadError QErr m) => Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> FieldCall -> m GType
- lookupNestedFieldType :: (MonadMemoize m, MonadError QErr m) => Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> NonEmpty FieldCall -> m GType
- remoteRelationshipToSourceField :: forall r m n tgt. (MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n, BackendSchema tgt, BackendTableSelectSchema tgt) => SourceCache -> RemoteSourceFieldInfo tgt -> m [FieldParser n (RemoteSourceSelect (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) UnpreparedValue tgt)]
remoteRelationshipField :: SourceCache -> RemoteSchemaMap -> RemoteSchemaPermissions -> RemoteRelationshipParserBuilder Source #
Remote relationship field parsers
remoteRelationshipToSchemaField :: forall r m n lhsJoinField. MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n => RemoteSchemaMap -> RemoteSchemaPermissions -> HashMap FieldName lhsJoinField -> RemoteSchemaFieldInfo -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (RemoteSchemaSelect (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue)))) Source #
Parser(s) for remote relationship fields to a remote schema
lookupNestedFieldType' :: (MonadMemoize m, MonadError QErr m) => Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> FieldCall -> m GType Source #
lookupNestedFieldType :: (MonadMemoize m, MonadError QErr m) => Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> NonEmpty FieldCall -> m GType Source #
remoteRelationshipToSourceField :: forall r m n tgt. (MonadBuildSchemaBase r m n, BackendSchema tgt, BackendTableSelectSchema tgt) => SourceCache -> RemoteSourceFieldInfo tgt -> m [FieldParser n (RemoteSourceSelect (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) UnpreparedValue tgt)] Source #
Parser(s) for remote relationship fields to a database table.
Note that when the target is a database table, an array relationship
declaration would have the _aggregate
field in addition to the array
relationship field, hence [FieldParser ...] instead of FieldParser