graphql-engine-1.0.0: GraphQL API over Postgres
Safe HaskellNone



Postgres DDL BoolExp

How to parse the boolean expressions, specifically for Postgres.

See Cache and Backend.


parseBoolExpOperations :: forall pgKind m v. (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), MonadError QErr m, TableCoreInfoRM ('Postgres pgKind) m) => ValueParser ('Postgres pgKind) m v -> QualifiedTable -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo ('Postgres pgKind)) -> ColumnReference ('Postgres pgKind) -> Value -> m [OpExpG ('Postgres pgKind) v] Source #

buildComputedFieldBooleanExp :: forall pgKind m v. (MonadError QErr m, Backend ('Postgres pgKind), TableCoreInfoRM ('Postgres pgKind) m) => BoolExpResolver ('Postgres pgKind) m v -> BoolExpRHSParser ('Postgres pgKind) m v -> TableName ('Postgres pgKind) -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo ('Postgres pgKind)) -> ComputedFieldInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> Value -> m (AnnComputedFieldBoolExp ('Postgres pgKind) v) Source #